Oriental Darter Bairds

Anhinga melanogaster (English:
Oriental Darter is a species of Aquarium (Anhingidae) family or clan. [2] Its neck is more like a snake, as it is in the Hillhill, another name is Seeppakhi.
Though there are gaar habitats in the vast area, they are few in number and number of days is decreasing. There are about 4000 yards around the world. [3] Internationally near the threatened species of gaar (Near Threatened).
Originally, South and Southeast Asian countries have the main habitat of gaar. There are also several different areas outside this area
Gauer has also been found in adjoining area of ​​the equator. Their status in different countries is described below-

  1. Bangladesh: Locally, almost all over the country can be seen, but not seen more than once in two. Most of the country's northern and coastal regions are seen.
  2. India: Locally, more or less are seen across India. Assam region and
    They are seen in Bharatpur. These numbers in India are decreasing day by day.
  3. Nepal: Local, but do not breed. Available in low numbers.
  4. Pakistan: Local, but only at certain times of the year.
    In Sindh and Punjab province, irregular visits.
  5. Sri Lanka: Residents of the local, mainly lower lands. See less elsewhere.
  6. Myanmar: They were found locally and before the whole country. Now it is seen in the southern part, the situation is unchanged elsewhere.
  7. Cambodia: Localized, once seen in the Mekong River, it is seen in lesser extent only in the particular region of the country. Probably still breeding.
  8. Thailand: Local, once throughout the country, but now rare. Probably not now a breeding ground. However, more and more reports are being reported recently, this is likely to strengthen the security of the colonies in Cambodia.
  9. Viet Nam: Local Once upon a time Vietnam is the breed of gaara, but now it is almost extinct.
  10. Laos: Locally, once in a while, there are few eyes in isolation now.
  11. Indonesia: Local; Borneo,
    Java and Sulawesi Islands are the main reproduction grounds and extensive. Occasionally it is seen in the surrounding island, such as Sunda, Malakka etc.
  12. East Timor: Local, but very rarely seen. [1]
    They are also local in Singapore. In the western part of the Malay Peninsula, they sometimes come from other countries. They were found in the Pacific Island Palau, but the source can not be confirmed. [1]
    The big birds of gear The bird's long-throated species of birds are very similar in shape. When the body hides the throat in the bottom of the water or in the bush or jungle or khurpana, it appears to be a snake after seeing them from a distance. The upper and lower sides of the head and neck are dark brown, which reach black and black to reach the chest, which extend to the tail. The partfill and lid feathers have two distinct eye-shaped white feathers. A long white stripe is seen on both sides of the neck. There may be a whole halo of neck and neck. The lips of pancakes are bent like balsa, they are completely opposite. Straight straightforward Yellow or orange color in the lips. Eye color white There is some white skin in the neck of the man. Youth bird's head, throat, and back side are brownish. In the primary feathers, the breasts from the breast to the tail are like blacks. Legs
    Lipatapad, that is, the fingers of the toes are connected with thin skin like duck feet. The legs are brown or black. [2] They range from 90 to 100 centimeters in length. They live for 16 years. [4]
    The rivers which do not have flows, such as big bills, small rivers, lakes, wetlands etc. are the main rotation of gaara. Besides, garage is also found in coastal areas, mangrove forests, and even harbors, with adequate home-made facilities. [4]
    Gaya Aquatic Birds. They eat small fish, frogs, snails, and tortoises. You can spend two to three minutes in a row with a dive. Once you follow a victim, you do not get caught by the victim. Fairly medium-sized fishes also have the capability to build on their lips. They do not swallow by hunting. Then swallow on the water and then swallow. Gear feather is not like duck feathers, feathers absorb water. When the feather becomes heavy in the wet, then the wings, like the pakauri on the shore, on the top of the apex, or bamboo, dry up and dry. [5]
    Usually there is no more than a pair in a pond or area. Most of the time, they roam in search of food with pakuchi, bak, madataka, various species of ducks, snail-breakers. While swimming in the water almost submerge the whole body like submarines, only head can swim outside the water. If necessary, it can be completely disappeared by dragging the head under the water. After a few minutes, he was flushed again by pressing a fish on the lips. During the flight, throat casts like a S-character. [2].....Breeding and reproduction
    Generally they give eggs once a year, but some birds have eggs even twice. Their breeding time before winter. Before the eggs, both men and women find a safe place. Then naturally bundles with dry stems and leaves. Alutaloo makes nests on the same tree with the drinks and bakas. They do not know how to bind a beauty. Five to seven days of khatakhatuna and finally when the house is made, four to six eggs. When the bird's hatch is completed, two birds will be fed by egg. Eggs are twenty-four-and-a-half days.
    [5] At the age of four weeks, children learn to swim. Generally learn to fly in the day of 50 days. [4]
    Extreme crisis
    Due to mainly destruction of habitats, the amount of gear worldwide is decreasing day by day. Many birds are also killed by the killers. People are often stealing their eggs and children. The kids are becoming food for chil, hawk and cougar. Environment pollution is also one of the reasons for their decline. [4]
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