Newton's First Law of Couch Potatoes and Achievers


Hello Buzzy Bees!

I've been listening to the book The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy - yes you read it right, I have the audiobook because you already know I like podcasts and these things on the go - And I had to go to the written chapter I was listening to get a quote to share with you:

If you remember your high-school physics class (you do, don’t you?), you’ll recall Newton’s First Law, also known as the Law of Inertia: Objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless something stops their momentum. Put another way, couch potatoes tend to stay couch potatoes. Achievers—people who get into a successful rhythm—continue busting their butts and end up achieving more and more.

Well...I must confess that I was a couch potato and still am (I have a very potato-figure 🤣), but for the past year, I've been building myself to get out of the couch and do something, especially since I'm unemployed due to Covid!

With no sign of getting my offline job back still, I need to keep up!

I need to keep the momentum up!

So, I decided to start a course in Photoshop!


Even if I have a million things to do, there are things I need to prioritize!

I always had a passion to draw since I was little but also from my parents' education and the idea around that time was there wasn't much of a future/real job in that area unless architecture! And that, meh...line's and buildings weren't really my thing that time!

Today with the interwebs boom things are different now!

Digital Design might be an interesting thing and adaptable to my passion plus maybe rewarding in the future!

And Photoshop's been a thing I was curious on if I am able to work with all those infinite tools that it has inside!


Will I be able to create snazzy things?

Only time and practice will tell!

I need to keep Newton's First Law pumping!

How about you?

Will you be a Couch Potato or an Achiever?


Thank you so much for reading!



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