Action or Inaction

People used to recite quotes from notable, and sometimes obscure literature. Now, no one bothers to remember them unless there's a meme associated with it. Gone are the days of high adventure, when we traveled deep into the woods to battle imaginary foes in order to vanquish evil from the land. Now, we explore within the boundaries of what's already been generated by a computer program, and the battle is fought within it. Our weapons of choice used to be a sword, or a six-shooter, but now, it's a keyboard. The fight between good versus evil has continued into the digital realm, but the stakes are still real.

I want nothing but to be able to go fishing all day, or read a really long book uninterrupted, or play a video game until my eyes dry out and I realize it's 5:30 in the morning and I still need to get some sleep before work in the next hour and a half. But there's a war going on, and I realized that I've been letting the bad guys win, while I was just trying to be left alone.

Nothing hits home more than the realization that evil people never take the Inaction route. They are always active. They keep taking, and they never go away until you force them to. It's just how it's always been, and how it always will be.

Good people are almost always Inactive. Most good people, along with good deeds, often go unnoticed. However, when evil is rampant, and good people are needed, and they still do nothing - they are no longer good. They are cowards. And cowards aren't good for anything.

I don't remember quotes from books anymore. Only from movies. As cheesy as it may seem, I still remember the speech from the movie, "Braveheart", and could recite it by memory if asked. For my first post on Steemit, I will end it at that.

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

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