ACTIFIT [April 24 2019] ANSWERING QUESTIONS #DoubleBack #AutomaticWin


Well! Today I felt like clapping! So here are some Clap Push-Up's for day 3 of the #Seven77 Challenge!

How many creative ways are there to do push-ups anyways?! I guess we are going to find out because I'm doing 77 days of push-ups!

Earlier today @roger5120 asked why I had decided to start over at the very beginning again... Why #DoubleBack anyways? So I'm going to do my best to explain why I decided to re-start my #Seven77 Push-Up Challenge from Day 1. Thank you Rogerine for asking such a great question! :)

1st - So much of Social Media is about only showing the wins and highlights. It's human nature to frame and showcase things when we are at our absolute best... But I have decided to take another route. I'm going to take you guys and girls on a journey. I'm going to do my best every step of the way but I'm going to make an effort to be as honest and authentic as I can along the way.

I am all about adding meaning to peoples lives by adding meaning to their activities. I believe this is how I can best help people as a personal trainer. Being grounded and effective as a personal trainer, for me, means that I operate by these means. I intend to do my best, with the time I am given, to communicate in the most authentic and genuine way possible. I believe that, if I demonstrate myself online as I do offline, I will be able to communicate the most meaning and reach the most people with this message.

It is possible to have a purpose driven life... This is done by being mindful of who one is, who one used to be, and where one is going. Adding meaning to your activities, re-engaging the spirit with play and fun... Well! That's all about taking things as they are. (I guess that means I'm going to have to start saving blooper reels hey!? So watch for those! hahaha!)

2nd - It's ok to fail and start over... It's, in fact, imperative to ones eventual success to be good at starting over! Being a leader in healthy fit lifestyles is all about showing people how to overcome the human challenges we all have to deal with on a daily basis... By being open with our failings helps tremendously with that.

And when you think about it... This is the substance off all good stories isn't it? Stories that actually touch the hearts to people... Because they are real!

3rd - Results. Real results come from doing the action each and every day. Changing your life is that simple. Activity done daily translates into compounded results!

I hope this helps you all understand why I decided to consecutively make the effort to post a #Seven77 Push-Up Video each and every day. This is the real challenge isn't it? Shooting video is simple and easy. Doing 7 push-ups... Anyone can do that. But posting 77 days in a row... That's the where the challenge is! And I LOVE challenges!

I hope that, like me, you do as well!

Fitness Entrepreneur
Certified Personal Trainer



Today’s Proof Of #AutomaticWin

Daily Activity,Walking,Weight Lifting

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