My Actifit Activity Log [03.12.2019] BITING OFF MORE THAN I CAN CHEW #AutomaticWin

Hi everyone!

So today I had planned a big announcement post... but after focusing on the project for hours today I realized that if I was going to do it justice I was going to have to allow for more time!

So! I’m going to have to put off the announcement until... NEXT MONTH! Yeah! You heard me right! APRIL!

You know... I’m a firm believer in setting outrageous goals... sometimes these goals can even seem unrealistic to the outsiders... but I don’t care! Once I decide to do something I go for it heart and soul! It doesn’t matter how impossible it may seem... If someone says it can’t be done... I’m going to find a way to do it anyways! That’s just me!

I think it’s better to shoot for the stars ⭐️ and hit the moon 🌙 than to not do anything at all and sit on your hands...

What do you think?! Are you a, “Why not now?” or “If not now, when?” sort of person?

The down side of being an optimist is that something that you think is going to take 1 week usually ends up taking 2 weeks. Something that costs $1000 usually ends up costing $2000 (if I’m lucky!) and so on and so forth...

I have learned to adjust my sights to zone in on this considering I’m usually aware of my undaunted positive view on what’s possible. And here’s the thing I’ve found!

Humans greatly over estimate what can be done in the short term and vastly underestimate what can be done over the long term! Interesting hey? 🤔

So that’s right where I’ve found myself today! I’m looking at where I want to take my @Actifit posts... I can see where I need to go but obviously there’s A LOT more work to do before I’m officially there!

So!This all being said... Please continue to be patient with me as I learn and take steps closer to getting these @Actifit posts to where I want/need them to be!

Question for you all! What standard are you setting for the ideas/content you plug into your @Actifit posts? Do you have some BIG plans for the future of your Steem blog(s)?

I would like to hear about them!

Leave a comment and I’ll do my best to give you both feedback and encouragement!

In health & fitness,

Fitness Entrepreneur
Certified Personal Trainer

Today's #AutomaticWin

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Daily Activity,Walking

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