Brain Marathon: April 11 2019

Working in that London. Infinite patience required, someone said.

We had a meeting of the working group for the legal entity for the consortium. There was a lot of catching up and not everyone is finding it easy to follow the process. I found preparing papers for the meeting a little eye-watering, so I sympathise.

Some people were frustrated by the progress we made. One or two people were seething at the end. One member dominated the meeting, and the chair struggled to bring other points of view into the discussion. As always, it was more than a meeting about the documents we are drafting.

I was pleased with the progress we made. I know that some members feel overwhelmed and that there is so much more to do, but actually we are getting very near to completion. I can see that it may not feel like that to them in the welter of documents they've received.

There's also something interesting happening: this group has been in existence for the best part of ten years. Some members are struggling with the idea that it is going to end and be disbanded. I was reminded of that Eagles song, Hotel California, "you can check out but you can never leave" - this is like task and never finish.

But we are nearly there.


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