パイの実を作りました ~ Baked chocolate puff pastries, Pie no Mi / My Actifit Report Card: April 7 2019


I and my kids love a Japanese snack called ''Pie no Mi'' that is bite sized pies. But they are so expensive here as they are imported from Japan.
One day, I thought that Pie no Mi was just a puff pastry with chocolate in it. It would be defenitely pretty easy to make!
Since then, I sometimes bake chocolate puff pastries that look like Pie no Mi for my kids.

材料 Ingredients :

  • 冷凍パイシート1枚
  • お好みのチョコレートバー
  • 卵1個 【EN】
  • 2 sheets puff pastries
  • 1 chocolate bar (your favourite one)
  • 1 egg

作り方 Instructions :

1. 自然解凍したパイシートを2枚取りだし16等分する。それに正方形に切ったチョコレートをのせて、もう1枚のパイシートを重ねる。

Take two sheets of puff pastries out and allow to thaw until they can be folded. Cut pastry into 16 pieces.
Cut your favourite chocolate bar into squares. If the chocolate bar is thin, consider stacking two pieces.
Place a square of chocolate onto the middle of pastry and place another square of pastry on top to cover chocolate.
Crimp edges with fork.

2. クッキングシートを敷いた天板に並べ、溶いた卵を表面に塗り、予熱したオーブンで13~15分焼くと出来上がり。

Beat an egg and brush the tops of each pie with a pastry brush.
Bake in oven for 13-15 minutes until golden brown and puffed up.
Remove from oven and allow to cool.





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