My Actifit Report Card: April 23 2019 — Littering Is Bad, Don't Litter

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alright. another 10k recovery hikewalk, this time on forest service roads near where i was car camping out by wilkerson pass. if i recall correctly i was hikewalking on the FSR 704 set of roads. if you are incredibly bored and feel like reading about all the spent cartridges i picked up around my campsite last afternoon, you can do that here. i don't recommend reading it, but i do recommend picking up your spent cartridges after you spend a drunken day shooting guns illegally in the national forest. otherwise karma is going to get you, man. in the case of these particular drunken gunslingers i hope karma has already got them, preferably in the form of a steep downhill mountain road panic stop at 70mph in which an unopened box of clay pigeons is uplifted by the sudden momentum break from the mad crazy braking and delivered thence straight through the back of the driver's head at extreme high speed, thereby rendering the driver incapacitated and the vehicle a runaway that smashes the guardrail like birdshot shatters a clay pigeon, sending all aboard up and over and down to barter for their lives with death awaiting on the valley floor 1,000 feet below. i gotta say it's not looking very good for them in this situation. i am a good person. i am not a bad person. all i'm really trying to say here is, littering is bad and you shouldn't litter. okay,




words words words,

i need to put more words here,

but instead of putting more words i'm going to put pictures.

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remember kids, don't litter, or karma might kill you.

end of actifit report.



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