Preparing For The Final Conflict - My Actifit Report Card: April 17 2019

Good evening Steemians,
Hopefully everyone is doing well! I meant to post yesterday but I was so tuckered out that I zonked out early. Despite my last class being last Monday it's still leaving a bunch of homework that I'm desperately trying to finish on time. I tried doing some homework at work during some down time but there was no quiet time, there was no chance at making a dent at it. Thankfully I requested the rest of this week off and it was approved.


Drawn by ZDuke
I'm ready for the final battle against homework~

Hopefully, it'll give me the time I need to work steadily on my papers and catch the deadline Sunday and Wednesday of next week.

Yesterday was a busy day of doing a more detailed inventory. I was hoping it would be quick and painless. I wasn't expecting to directly assisting and recording every asset and location on a sheet of paper and put a sticker on it. Where's the technology, barcode scanner and confirming against a database? My coworkers were like what the heck, but the inventory guy was literally a single person rather than a pair. If I didn't help who would? We only covered a fraction of our area, bless that guy for thinking he could knock out our department in a single shift. My legs were wrecked. I had such a hard time rolling out of bed this morning.

Today I had the surprise if how short staffed we were. We had to spread ourselves so thin our office was unstaffed while we covered other areas in the department we would normally never be responsible for. Then once minimum staff started coming in we had to prep other areas to start the day. Other day where my feet were not happy with me. I wanted quiet time behind my desk and look for references to start my paper. I grabbed whatever articles I could find that had an appeal title related to GDPR but still trying to read the material. I probably should just stream of conscious start writing but I don't know enough to attempt to answer key questions @.@ oyvey.

As for exciting stuff I have new clothes on the way, including a new swimsuit I just adore.


I think this is from a game called Mangaka But I'm not exactly sure.

And for that one day when I find free time I ordered an EVGA NVLink for Sli my 2080s maybe I can enjoy some games for a change when I'm not mining. My computer is pretty old with an AMD FX processor, I am told it'll have a bottleneck with two 2080s and they won't be fully utilized. If I were to rebuild my workstation I would love to wait for threadripper 3rd gen and have an entry build to upgrade over time. But I'm also daydreaming of getting a server rack and converting all my computers into 4 or 6U server cases to accompany my graphics cards and AIO water cooling. But I am still frustrated that my bedroom is also the office/tech area. I don't want my bedroom to be like a warehouse 😭 I want it to be relax and cute and not an oven in the middle of summer with so many blinking lights and the hum of fans from my mining. Maybe it'll get better when I finally move out from my parents and have my own place to call home and spread out.

I never build a computer in a server case, if you guys have suggestions I'm all ears.

As I've been trying to work on homework I've been listening to Above and Beyond. Despite their music being EDM their music is so soothing and chill. I just loose myself in to their music. It's amazing the crowd they bring to their performances.

Above & Beyond #ABGT300 Live at AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong (Full 4K Ultra HD Set)

Tomorrow will be an early day to work solely on my paper. Wish me luck!

Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking

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