Film Set: Hidden Trail - Day 1

Hi guys!

I’m trying something new here, where I’d describe my days on set on my Actifit Report.

Today was the first day of a two day short film shoot I’m DPing for: Hidden Trails. We started the day at 5:30 AM, which was quite early. We were shooting in a forest. Little did we know, we would meet some early obstacles: the actor fell asleep in the train and missed his stop, the sound team were missing a piece of equipment and it started raining. Luckily, we rented a rain cover for the camera which saved the day. The trees partially protected us from the rain and it was surprisingly pretty painless to work in this environment.

Thanks to a smart scheduling move from the director and his assistant, we decided to push one of the scene to tomorrow, making it possible for us to finish the day on time and getting all the other shots.

Tomorrow would be day 2 of 2. Same forest, same crew. Looking forward !

Hope you guys had a great day.


A quick snapshot from the monitor,m in order to check continuity and eye line

Daily Activity,Walking

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