ACL : anterior cruciate ligament

one of the most common knee injuries is caused anterior cruciate ligament sprain aor tear. athletes who participate in high demanding or physical game like football, basketball etc, are more likely to have these kind of injury.

if you have injured your anterior cruciate ligament then you need to have surgery to regain the full function of your knee. these surgery will depend on the several factor like severity of the injury on the field.


injured ligament are considered "sprains" and are graded on a severity scale.

grade 1 sprains: the ligament is mildly damaged but still able to keep the knee joint stable.

grade 2 sprains: in this ligament are stretched to the point where it becomes loose this is often called as a partial tear of ligament.

grade 3 sprains: in this grade ligament is more commonly referred to as complete tear , the ligament has been commonly split into two pieces, and the knee joint  is unstable.

partial tear is rare mostly ACL injuries are complete or near complete tear.


the anterior cruciate ligament can be injured in several ways:

  • stopping suddenly
  • slowing down while running
  • changing direction rapidly 
  • landing incorrectly

several studies have shown that female athletes have higher case of ACL then male. it has been researched that due to physical condition they have higher tendency injury.


when you injure your anterior cruciate ligament , you might hear a "popping" sound and you may feel your knee out form under you.and other symptoms are:-

  • pain with swelling. withing 24 hrs your knee will swell. if ignored the swelling might gone , but if you return to sport your knee will probably be unstable, causing damage to cushioning cartilage (meniscus) of your knee.
  • loss of full range of motion
  • tenderness along the joint the joint line
  • discomfort while walking

according to research if faced this kind of injury then you need to have prehab before operation about a mont then go for a operation and rehab after operation is also necessary, prehab is useful because it will help develop your muscle to be prepared for operation and recover quickly after operation.

link of prehab is below:-

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