SBD prices Prediction in the Next few days [Eng-Aceh]

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh . . . .

In recent days the price of SBD has dropped dramatically. Even now the price of SBD is cheaper than STEEM price. This makes SBD miners get restless and they feel sorry, why do not they sell it when the price is expensive?

Dalam padim uronyo harga SBD megedhum di tren dari ujong ok bak ujong cemekam jidong jino. Yang hana jipeublo barosa gethat brat teulah (termasok lon sendiri). Barosa hana tapeublo dile tapreh jiek lebeh dari siretoh, Rupajih kon jiek malah jitron u lhe ploh. Gethat gepap bit. Payah peh peh pha teulah teuh.

STEEM prices are currently more expensive than SBD prices. This is very beneficial for those of you who change SBD to STEEM some time ago. You will get a lot of SBD if you change back from STEEM to SBD.

Saah nyo yum STEEM lebeh mehai dari yum SBD. Bagi ureng droneh yang na metemeng tuka dari SBD ke STEEM lam padim uro yang ka ulikot, Mesiprek laba neuh. Gethat jai jeut SBD menyo neutuka balek jino dari STEEM ke SBD lom.

Where is the SBD Graph direction? Up or down?

As we see today, the SBD price graph is declining and will continue to fall until the price reaches 0.00012400 BTC. Why do I say like this? you can see in the graph below. the graph will reach the lowest value like the previous period.

Menurot takalon pergerakan grafik, SBD hana cerita di ek lam padim uronyo. Menurot takalon bak adat SBD ineuk tron sampo 0.00012400 BTC atau sekitarnyan lage harga paleng rendah segalom jiek yum bulen dua blah barosa.

When does SBD price rise again?

Based on the chart above, we can analyze that the same price as the current in the previous period was in August. Then the price continues to fall and rise back in December. August to December = 4 months. So, SBD price will rise again like december within the next 4 months, ie in June or July.

Menurot takalon bak grafik, Harga SBD akan jiek lom dalam jangka wate 4 bulen uke yaitu bak bulen 6 atau bulen 7. Pken lon peugah menan ? Harga SBD saat nyo sama that that ngon harga SBD bak bulen 8 thon 2017. Bak wate nyan SBD hana jiek hingga troh bak bulen 12. dari bulen 8 ke bulen 12 = 4 bulen. 4 bulen dari jino = bulen 6 atau bulen 7. Jadi prediksi kamo bak bulen 6 atau bulen 7 SBD akan jiek lom lage bulen 12 barosa bahkan lebeh mehai.

It's just a prediction, we do not know exactly how the market moves. Could be true could be wrong. We advise you not to trust this 100%. Take a look at the predictions that others have made and then compare and conclude by yourself

March 09, 2018


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