5 Places in Aceh The Famous

Places in Lhokseumawe Aceh

Lhokseumawe is one of the city districts in Aceh province on the island of Sumatra. Aceh is a lot to save a beautiful tourist place one of them in the district of Lhokseumawe. a lot of attractions in Lhokseumawe you can visit to fill holiday time.

Maybe 5 attractions in Lhokseumawe Aceh, Indonesia can be used as a reference for those who want to travel in the westernmost province of Indonesia. The following list of tourist attractions Lhokseumawe that you can make the purpose of traveling:

 1. Museum Malikussaleh 

This museum is a tourist place that holds a lot of history in particular Aceh Lhokseumawe District Museum is located in the city of Lhokseumawe location which is the district town of Lhokseumawe.

With the construction of meseum Malikussaleh aims to introduce the history of the past, the heritage relics store is expected in the future in order to Lhokseumawe community will not forget the story of the history that happened in this rencong.

2. Reservoir Pusong

Pusong Reservoir is a tourist attraction in Lhokseumawe is located on the road reclamation, Kecamtan Banda Sakti, To go to the reservoir Pusong not too far from the city center is only about 2 Km Lhokseumawe using public transport or private. While the road to get to this pucong reservoir is fairly smooth so easy for every traveler will be traveled in this reservoir.

Many things can be done while in the location of the reservoir Pusong them is to relax while enjoying the beauty of nature is presented, this dam is also one of the favorite places for those who like sports jogging, with fresh air and beautiful nature makes jog in the reservoir Pusong was very enjoyable ,

3. Island Seumadu

Seumadu tourist attractions on the island is a tourist attraction located precisely at the Lhokseumawe district Muara one whose location is not of a housing complex PT. Arun largest oil company in Aceh. To get to the island you have to menempuk Seumadu distance from the district town about 12 km and passing through the Banda Aceh-Medan.

The beauty of this Seumadu appear beautiful island with many pine trees that grow around the island, so that the air and the wind in the island will make you linger to enjoy it. Facilities on the island is there an official parking place that is safe. public toilets are also readily available on the island.

4. Goa Japan

Goa is a tourist spot in Lhokseumawe that opened in the mid of 2015. The length of the cave was built around 100 AD pasa Japanese colonial period. Goa Japan offers incredible views menajubkan for that place, because you will be presented with a view of the sea seen from above plus breeze mountains ready to pamper you there.

Location Goa Japanese were in the village of Muara District Pelang Payang One Lhokseumawe, Aceh province of Indonesia. To enter this place charged entrance fee of Rp. 5000, -

5. Parks Riyadhah

Parks Riyadhah place is located not far from downtown Lhokseumawe which is the only city park in the city, its place in Jalan independence. Parks Riyadhah very much overgrown with a variety of trees that make this park seems cool and comfortable. Not only was it in the garden riyadhah also has provided tracks for you who like sport Jogging.

In order for this park seemed always clean and comfortable is expected for the visit at this park so while maintaining cleanliness, in order to add to the beauty of the city Lhokseumawe.

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