Introducing the Beauty of "Aceh's" Coastline

Indonesia Given the omnipotent god has a vast sea area as the next generation as a nation, especially Aceh nation to maintain and preserve the aceh sea.

Maintaining and maintaining the sea can be done by not disposing of waste or waste or chemicals to the sea, does not damage marine ecosystems such as coral reefs. The beauty beneath the sea that feels so beautiful there are sea creatures and also plants that are based on the sea.

This is a freelance sea in Krueng Geukuh located in Aceh to introduce the beauty of the sea by the beauty of the sea is also not inferior to the sea in other areas for steemian buddies do not have to go far apart in aceh enjoy panorama of aceh seafood.

Dokumentasi : oleh, Saiful. Lhokseumawe Aceh

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