Here are the 5 Best Picture Candidates of 2017 That You Must Watch!

Tahun 2017 ini ada banyak banget film-film yang ditunggu-tunggu sama banyak orang, khususnya para penikmat film alias moviegoers. Kira-kira yang bakal jadi film terbaik 2017 yang cocok buat ditonton bersama teman-teman dan keluarga apa aja sih? Yuk, kita simak!

In 2017 there are so many movies that have been waiting for so many people, especially the movie lovers aka moviegoers. Approximately what would be the best movie 2017 that is suitable for watching with friends and family what aja hell? Let's see!

1. Transformers: The Last Knight (23 Juni, 2017)

Alur cerita film ini belum pasti namun dikabarkan menceritakan tentang perjalanan Optimus Prime mencari Quintessons yaitu makhluk yang menciptakan Transformers. Beberapa sumber mengatakan bahwa film ini akan memulai cinematic universe franchise baru (seperti Marvel dan DC) karena ada kabar yang mengatakan bahwa film tentang Bumblebee akan rilis di tahun 2018. Wah, seru nih kayaknya… Pecinta film action dan robot merapat!

The storyline of the film is uncertain but is rumored to be telling about Optimus Prime's journey looking for Quintessons that is the creature that created the Transformers. Some sources say that the film will start a new cinematic universe franchise (such as Marvel and DC) because there is news that says the movie about Bumblebee will be released in 2018. Wow, it sounds like ... Lovers of action films and robots are docked!

2. Beauty and the Beast (16 Maret, 2017)

Film Beauty and the Beast versi live-action ini sangat ditunggu penggemar berat Disney. Yang membuat film ini ditunggu-tunggu adalah Emma Watson yang berperan sebagai Belle karena penonton penasaran akan bakat menyanyinya dan juga aktingnya sebagai gadis cantik dan kutu buku tersebut. Selain itu, sudah banyak perbandingan trailer film 2017 ini dan trailer film animasinya yang nyaris hampir sama. Karena ini, fans mempunyai ekpektasi sangat tinggi. Kalau kamu gimana? Penasaran, nggak?

The live and action live and action movie Beauty is the most awaited Disney fan. What makes this movie eagerly awaited is Emma Watson who plays as Belle because the audience is curious about her singing talent and also her acting as a beautiful and nerdy girl. In addition, there have been many comparison of this 2017 movie trailer and its almost identical animated movie trailer. Because of this, fans have a very high expectation. How about you? Curious, nope?

3. War for the Planet of the Apes (14 Juli, 2017)

Film ini menceritakan kelanjutan dari Rise of the Planet of the Apes yang merupakan cikal bakal munculnya peradaban monyet yang mendominasi manusia di masa depan. Di sini Caesar bersama pasukan monyetnya berperang melawan pasukan manusia. Wah… kayaknya seru, ya…

This film tells the continuation of the Rise of the Planet of the Apes which is the forerunner of the emergence of a monkey civilization that dominates man in the future. Here Caesar along with his monkey troops fight against human forces. Wow ... I think it's fun, yeah ...

4. Thor: Ragnarok (25 Oktober, 2017)

Tahun ini banyak banget deh film Marvel yang keluar. Salah satu yang paling ditunggu itu Thor: Ragnarok yang menceritakan tentang pertarungan gladiator antara Thor dan Hulk dan juga perlawanannya kepada penjahat baru yang bernama Hela. Selain Thor, film Marvel berikutnya adalah…

This year a lot of deh movie Marvel out. One of the most awaited Thor: Ragnarok who told of the gladiatorial battle between Thor and Hulk and also his resistance to a new villain named Hela. In addition to Thor, Marvel's next film is ...

5. Spider-man: Homecoming (7 Juli, 2017)

Franchise film Spider-man sudah dibuat sebanyak dua kali dengan aktor yang berbeda. Namun, meskipun demikian, pecinta Marvel Cinematic Universe sejauh ini bereaksi positif karena Tom Holland yang dipilih sebagai pemeran Peter Parker alias Spider-man yang baru ini telah banyak dipuji semenjak kemunculannya di Captain America: Civil War.

Franchise Spider-man movie has been made twice with different actors. However, though, the Marvel Cinematic Universe lovers have so far reacted positively because Tom Holland who was chosen as actor Peter Parker aka the new Spider-man has been widely praised since his appearance in Captain America: Civil War.

Nah, itulah 17 kandidat film terbaik 2017 untuk ditonton bersama teman-teman dan keluarga! Kalau kamu mau nonton yang mana nih kira-kira?

Well, that's 17 best movie candidates 2017 to watch with friends and family! If you want to watch which one is about?

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