Marriage people

Marriage as a form of human relations as the greatest demands a mutual responsibility between the two sides, husband or wife, and also a form of agreement. There are many cases that take place in society regarding damaged or destroyed a home life against the backdrop of a mistake in choosing a life partner or specify, but more than that can strengthen the ties between the family and the family of the husband and wife.

Marriage can also strengthen the unity of spiritual and material strength. Marriage can also make people find inner peace and happiness, peace of mind because it is a measure of happiness. This wedding will not be achieved if there is no mutual respect, tolerance, and understanding between the spouse should​ it ​happen​, the husband-wife relationship will be exposed to domestic crises that lead them toward divorce .

There will be orderly and disciplined life in married life.​ There will be a sense of responsibility and segregation of duties between husband and​ wife​,​ parent, ​ and children.​ Married , will erode concerns can not afford to take responsibility for his wife and children because of poverty .


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