Alumni 2001 title of Reunion on the Beach

2001 alumni, secondary school (HIGH SCHOOL) State titles Seunagan hospitality I at Dragon Beach Beautiful Scenic, Sunday (25/02).

Silaturrahmi held Host SMAN 1 year 2001 Seunagan was the theme of "We Enhance togetherness and Silahturahmi".

The Chairman of the Committee of silahturahmi alumni, Mirza Salvan, ST to asatu. top says, this kind of meetings and silaturrahim has a very important meaning, because time is running so fast feels.

"Nobody feels we have split up in quite a long time, that is, since the year 2001. However, the new power agreement that we're back in the year 2018, "said Mirza after the event.

It has been 17 years ago we split up, since we declared pass the national exam. However, on this day could meet and regroup.

"This Separation, feels just yesterday afternoon, we physically have undergone changes.

"However, if seen from the characteristic respectively, still very lumpy as kala are still alike learn, make new friends, joking at the school in the past," said Mirza with his trademark quips.

Alumni of the year 2001, have much to be leaders, intellectuals, doctors, teachers, Bank employees, employers, and other counties that Panwas is not possible we mentioned one by one.

"This is Hospitality exchange opinions, share experience in their fields, so that it will build an atmosphere of intimacy and togetherness toward a resounding success", Mirza. (*)

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