The power of Your Thought

Long ago, I hung this picture on my bedroom wall. It is simply because it is a calendar brought home by my late father. All the pic showing some beautiful buildings from all over the world. Unfortunately, only the names of the buildings were on the pic without mention where is the location of them. One of them was the pic of a very messy kind of structure building that for me at that time is a very weird and ugly building (Well, that time I was a simple girl with a simple thought and ordinary knowledge). I never want to know what is the name of the building. As long as I remember that I kind of did not like to see this pic. And what resound in my mind was “who is in this world want to make an “ugly” building like that?”, “why?”, “is it for real?” and always silent silently thought fast, “ I want to see this building if this is exist” every time I saw the calendar hoping that month was quickly over so I can swapped it into another calendar pic. And that’s it for that year. I never care about that thought anymore.

What I want to say is it’s a habit when I see interesting pic like beautiful girls or anything else on the calendar pic, I always see the name of the people or the things. It is just to satisfy my shallow curiosity about this pic. Once I know what is it, then that’s it.

Back to the calendar pic that I mentioned, I saw a beautiful Mosque and I found out the name was Blue Mosque. Then later on I know more and more about this on TV. However, something interesting happen to the “ugly” building pic. I never want to know the name of the building which literally say I thought it was bad and unfinished building. But, I kept questioning and saying to myself, “ Is this building exist? Where is it? and Why would people want to make that kind of building” still with miserably didn’t want to see the name.

At 2009 I was one of thousands awardee of a local scholarships to study abroad. I remember when we arrived there second things we did for the next morning after doing a campus orientation was travelling around to the iconic places in that area. And the first place introduced to us is that “Building”! When I stepped on the area of building I was like saying to the building, “Hey, I know you!” and guess what? It is not ugly at all! It is amazing. It is the Federation Square in Melbourne Australia.


There was a lot more story like the relationships calendar pic, my thought and reality. I remember when I see a lot of cool cars pic and thought that one day I want to know how it feels if I can ride those cars and it ends with the story that I taught a private English lesson to one of the resort police officer chief’s daughter and she always ask me to join her to shop using all of the cars she has at her house. And guess what? Those were like the cars in the pics. So, again my wish came true :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The same stories happened after that two stories got my attention and reflection that when you wish something it is most of the time will come true. I may be not happen just when you want it to be happened but it will sometimes become real one day.

I just take a conclusion that if you keep telling yourself something, it will mysteriously happened to you in the future. It is just like saying to yourself, “I can do it, I can do it” when you feel like you’re actually not and you finally find yourself can do it. In contemporary best seller books found in markets , It defines as “the power of thoughts”, “the power of your mind” or something like that. In between my childhood myth and the fact of my religious belief it is called “the power of prayer and intention”. When I was a kid, I remember when our mother or grand mother would always “shhh!”, “pu puegah nyan! (what do you say?)"; “hanjeut mariet lagee nyan! Seumaloe!(Don’t say that! It’s taboo)” angrily when we keep saying bad things (even if it is just to make fun of someone) to our family members, friends, or other people. It is because we simply belief that what ever we say on and on will become a pray and God never miss our pray to be granted. Saying bad things to yourself is the same like you pray to God that it should be granted. There is the teaching of our religion saying that your intention is what you will get; if your intention is your God and your prophet then your God and Prophet are with you; if your attention is to grab attention of a women that you want to marry, that is all you will get. There is also saying “be careful to what wish for!” in English. It may be based on the same experiences like this one.

So, Why don’t we say good things for ourselves and anybody and see how this messy world will be!

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