Do not Just Work Hard To Get Maximum Results. Apply 7 It Without Excessive Work


Do not Just Work Hard To Get Maximum Results. Apply 7 It Without Excessive Work

To get the maximum work, someone willing to work hard and keep going. They are willing to spend the day and night in order to complete the work. Even until someone forgot the time when they last ate or bathed because too busy pillow bone. Yet for the job to get maximum results, not merely have to work hard like that.
Well for those who want your work remains maximal, you can make it happen even though not only hard work. Sometimes, most people forget that maximum results are not just seen from the work aja, but from also from some aspects beyond it. If you can apply this, without any hard work the results of your work can still be maximized

  1. Define a clear vision and mission, so that what you do there is nothing in vain

  2. Getting maximum results is not a matter of how to work it, but also the time of rest should be smart you manage

  3. A time out to refresh the mind is also very important. Work as hard as anything if your focus will be the ultimate goal blur, surely you will not arrive

  4. The principle of quality is more important than quantity must be held firmly. Working hard can do a lot of work, but no one can guarantee its quality

  5. Do not work extra hours, but work consistently. Consistency is the true key to success

  6. Working as hard as anything but still full of distractions, just the same to no avail. The origin of trouble-free such as social media updates, work casually can be useful

  7. Good habits that you do not only focus to the body, but also need for the soul. Be diligent in worship or charity, let your work be done from above


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