The Story of Abu Ibrahim Woyla Toward the Aceh Tsunami

After stopping at the tomb Tgk In Anjong, Peulanggahan, District Kutaraja, Banda Aceh, continued Mukhlis, Abu continue the journey towards Gampong Java. On the way, there was a middle-aged woman who knew Abu. Spontaneous woman called Abu and asked Abu to stop at his house. The entourage of Abu Woyla then fulfilled the permitaan and stopped at the woman's house. The woman who owns the house, said Mukhlis, wants her son to drink water dipped with Abu Ibrahim

arrived at the woman's house, we were served coffee, but the water was so hot that we did not have time to drink, but Abu drank it even though the water was still hot. After that Abu slip his musabah into water that will be given to the girl's daughter), "said Mukhlis. Not long in the woman's house, Abu and Mukhlis then continue the journey from Gampong Java and back towards Peunayong, so on until in front of RSUZA, Jalan T Nyak Arief. At that place Abu Ibrahim then asked Mukhlis to direct their vehicle to the Baiturrahman Great Mosque. In an instant, the car driven by Mukhlis was already in front of the Baiturrahman Great Mosque. There the car was stopped at Abu's request. From the car, with the glass open Abu stared at the mosque while waving his hand with the movement of the palm of his hand down. "Abu is doing that many times," Mukhlis said.
arrived at the woman's house, we were served coffee, but the water was so hot that we did not have time to drink, but Abu drank it even though the water was still hot. After that Abu slip his musabah into water that will be given to the girl's daughter), "said Mukhlis. Not long in the woman's house, Abu and Mukhlis then continue the journey from Gampong Java and back towards Peunayong, so on until in front of RSUZA, Jalan T Nyak Arief. At that place Abu Ibrahim then asked Mukhlis to direct their vehicle to the Baiturrahman Great Mosque. In an instant, the car driven by Mukhlis was already in front of the Baiturrahman Great Mosque. There the car was stopped at Abu's request. From the car, with the glass open Abu stared at the mosque while waving his hand with the movement of the palm of his hand down. "Abu is doing that many times," Mukhlis said.
(then prayer from me), "said Mukhlis repeating the words of Abu to him at that time. Two days later, the tsunami devastated Aceh so devastatingly. But Mukhlis said the tsunami that came on December 26, 2004, seemed to stop in around Abu Ibrahim Woyla's streets in Banda Aceh before the Tsunami took place. After that, Mukhlis no longer know the activities of the Ash until the earthquake and tsunami hit Aceh. Only on the fourth day after the events that killed hundreds of thousands of humanity, Mukhlis reunited with Abu in one house in the Geuceu Complex area, Banda Aceh. Mukhlis continued, after meeting there, in the afternoon Abu invites Mukhlis walk to Lhoknga. Back Mukhlis borrowed a car belonging to his relative who also knew Abu Ibrahim Woyla. Arriving at the Peukan Bada area, Mukhlis noticed a pile of Tsunami waste that had not been cleaned and there were still bodies lying around them. Seeing the unlikable terrain, Mukhlis complained to Abu if it was impossible for the car to pass through the road, because there were still many Tsunami debris and other sharp objects that hampered their vehicle.
(no problem, just walk), "Abu said Mukhlis said when he complained. Hearing Abu said, Mukhlis also continue to ride his vehicle through Tsunami debris that logically impossible to pass by the vehicle. They continued walking to the broken bridge in Lhoknga, Aceh Besar. Arriving there, said Mukhlis, they met a woman who knew the figure of Abu Ibrahim Woyla. The woman tells that in her tragedy her husband became the victim and until the fourth day after the Tsunami he has not met and know the fate of her husband. Then continued Muklis, the woman asked himself to ask Abu Ibrahim, how about her husband the fate of her husband who dragged the Tsunami. Through Mukhlis, Abu answered the woman's question briefly. "Her husband is walking a long way," Abu Ibrahim told the woman through Mukhlis. In that place, Abu Ibrahim with Mukhlis was until the sky began to red and the sun would drown. Now, after the death of Abu Ibrahim Woyla who passed away to Rahmatullah, several years ago exactly on Saturday at 16:00 pm on July 18, 2009 at his son's house in Pasi Aceh, Woyla Induk District, West Aceh District, at the age of 90 years, Mukhlis with some colleagues only take care and build dayah Bustanul Huda Gampong Dayah Baro in Aceh Jaya District. The story of this friendly and religious man, Dayah where he and other santri deepened the knowledge of Islam today, dibagun in 2006 ago and Abu Ibrahim Woyla mandate during his lifetime.
(Amanah Abu, do not beg to build a dayah, do according to the ability), "said Mukhlis imitate Abu's words. Above the construction hall of the board, in a cool atmosphere one night some time ago, in the hills only by fluorescent light from the generator. Given the time is past midnight and the drowsiness sees the senses see, at the request of his two guests, that night Mukhlis also ended his spiritual experience with Wali Allah's late Abu Ibrahim Woyla.
Abu Ibrahim Woyla named Teungku (Ustadz / Kiyai) Ibrahim bin Teungku Sulaiman bin Teungku Husen was born in the village of Pasi Aceh, Woyla District, West Aceh district in 1919 AD According to the history, the formal education of Abu Ibrahim Woyla only had time to finish the People's School (SR), the rest took the education of Dayah (Salafi / Traditional Pesantren) for almost 25 years. So in the history of his life Abu Ibrahim Woyla had studied 12 years to Sheikh Mahmud a scholar from Lhoknga Aceh Besar who later founded Dayah Bustanul Huda in Blang Pidie Subdistrict, Southwest Aceh. Among the disciples of Sheikh Mahmud, besides Abu Ibrahim Woyla there is also Abuya Sheikh Young Waly Al-Khalidy who then Abu Ibrahim Wayla studied him. Abuya Muda Waly is a famous tareqat naqsyabandiyah scholar in Aceh. Abu Ibrahim Woyla by many people is known as a rather quiet cleric and this has become innate as a child to old age. He only communicates when there are things that need to be delivered so that many people who do not dare to ask about things that seem strange when done Abu Ibrahim Woyla. The attitude of Abu Ibrahim Woyla like that is very felt by his family, but because they already know the nature and nature of this. The family can only surrender to the choice of way of life traveled by Abu Ibrahim Woyla that sometimes his attitude and his actions make no sense. But that's how people know the figure of Abu Ibrahim Woyla.
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