stone loving woman

Hallo steemians

Stone penta is the most unique stone that is very much in search by the rock collector, or just a hobby, as the name suggests panca color that has 5 different colors, sometimes also the color of the stone exceeds 5 colors.

this type of stone has been known from ancient times, and identical in use by officials in a kingdom, often in use for the crown prince of the king, this stone was believed to be able to captivate the authority and charismatic for the wearer ..

colors that can be in the stones are red, green, white, black, brown and yellow, and need to know the penta color will not penetrate like other stones, because the color of this stone is very solid and thick.


  1. can attract women

2.increased authority

  1. fit for potential leaders

4.Avoidance of evil or inner evil

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