It's not about antipathy or hatred but about a vision

The response to @teukumukhlis post entitled:

Why (Most People of Aceh) Don't Like Indonesia?

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I have citizenship like you and live under the same system, but until whenever I will have an Aceh dream. My mind lives in that dream. The dream comes from a long history that must be truly known, from authentic sources, and not from some cheap books aimed at manipulating history for the sake of power status quo and not justice.

Aceh has a greater humanitarian ideal than the territorial borders of the country in which I live today and that is for the good of many people in Southeast Asia whom we hardly ever know them now. The history of Aceh, which is free from manipulation has actually spread to the broadest extent the fact that Aceh before being paralyzed by imperialism is a leader for many communities in the region. So this is not about the superiority complex, but a vision or dream that must be continued for the good of many people in the region.

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Do you know the contribution of who, the language and values adopted to this day by people on the Malay peninsula and the Indian archipelago? It is the spread of cultural contribution from Aceh. So, therefore, the people of Aceh must have to live in a vision that is not only for the good of themselves, but also for the future of others. That is the dream of Aceh, where my inner will live forever in that dream. It is a reflection of Aceh's history.

And one more thing, the mind is not an identity card. Man moves to obey his inner self, even though he is limited by his identity card that may one day change.

This is just a bit I can say for now considering the narrow space.

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