delicious cucumber fruits

In aceh cucumber is a cucumber usually harvested during the month of fasting or Ramadan, when the month of Ramadan comes this cucumber we see sold sidewalk-side of the road, even very easy to get, if still difficult to find this cucumber is quite expensive but if already a lot or can we say already this fruit flood can we get with the price of five thousand dollars, very cheap right? But without feeling the pleasure of this cucumber in ramadhan month feels incomplete, because it tastes good. We Acehnese call this cucumber like "timon wah", because the fruit of this cucumber is split if it is ripe, and to make it let it not scatter out the cucumber is used stem or bark from the banana tree and then tied so as not to spill the contents, this typical of this cucumber fruits. To enjoy it can be made juice or in use coconut milk and then given sugar or syrup according to taste, added ice, then ice fresh cucumber ice ready to be enjoyed.





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