This fruit was imported from heaven


Buah Tin in Islam

Figs in Latin called Ficus carica are fruits that come from the West Asian region.
Buah Tin is very popular in the Islamic world. because it has been mentioned and written in the Qur'an which is the holy book of Muslims.

In Islam, the fruit of Ficus carica is praised for its usefulness.
In the Qur'an, the fruit of Ficus Carica is praised for the lessons contained in the fig.

One of the lessons from the fruit of Ficus Carica, this plant bears fruit without being preceded by growing flowers. No waiting for leaves and flowers.

Fruiting throughout the year and can be consumed throughout the year after drying.

The fruit is rich in unique benefits.
The Messenger of Allah invited his friends and Muslims to consume the fruit of Ficus carica. The Messenger of Allah ate the fruit of Ficus Carica with his companions.

And after the Messenger of Allah praised the fruit of Ficus Carica and we must follow his instructions that made the Prophet a role model and a good example in all kinds of life in this world.


Protein4.3 mg
Energy274 kcal
Carbohydrates63.4 mg
Fiber5.6 mg
Vitamin C1 mg
Calcium126 mg



For anemia sufferers, it is very good to consume Buah Tin. Because it can stimulate the formation of hemoglobin in the bloodstream.

Bali you suffer from heart disease, then eat figs. Because it is very good for treating your heart to be healthy.

In Ficus Carica Fruit, there is a lot of calcium so it is very good for adults and children to make bones strong and stay healthy.

For those of you who experience shortness of breath, try to routinely consume fig because it will make it easier for your breathing.


When you have problems with food consumption. Eat figs into an appetite that will make your body increase appetite.

I have a number of trees which are the completeness of my cultivation.
I always want to cultivate this plant because there are many properties produced by the plant.

Old tin leaves can be used as a good tea for your body.
I always eat tin shoots to add energy every day.


The tin plants come from heaven

Doing cultivation is very easy, meaning, easy to grow and easy to bear.
The fruit we get throughout the year.
No hassle in maintaining and caring for it.
Don't need a lot of water. The fruit taste is sweet like honey and fresh in the throat.
The fruit is favored by ants and wasps.
Moreover, the fruit produces a thick, flowing sari like sugar or honey

Photo TakenBy @elmubareki
ArtistFicus Carica
CameraXioami Redmi Note 4
CommunityAceh Steemit Community
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