Facts and Myths Terrible siJampeok or owl

owl in the Acehnese language is called by the name of Jampeok. I photograph owls in one of the houses of the villagers alubie Aceh's Bireuen district. owl was discovered he had three nights ago. and owls in the insert in place of chicken is said to be tamed.

Facts and Myths Terrible siJampeok or owl

Owl, the name alone is horror is not it, there are ghost-haunted. But in my opinion, this is a fairly funny bird. (That was said in horror, funny now. What the hell.: O)

Somehow these last few days I became interested in birds this one. Then there is also a desire for the post of owl.

I wonder why? : D

Well, if it was, anyway here's Facts and Myths Terrible owl. Please scrutiny. ;)

Owl Usually Alone. Eh, but?

Facts and Myths Terrible si owl

These birds are more aloof friend, ask yourself. Or offer him if anyone wanted to accompany him, surely the answer is, no, I again want to own, "O (Bird ghost again be: O)

But when together, it's so awful birds yes.

Usually people call the owl together as the "Parliament", "Study", or "Silencer" (Because they are compact really. If silent together, if more voice also together. Surprisingly really yes ..

Or "Blizzard" for white owl. (Perhaps like the white witch:

Owl Symbol of Death (Myth)

His name is also like a myth. : O Some believe the same things beginian. It was said that owl is a bird caller spirit. So if there owl around the house, someone is going to die in the house next few days. :

There is even more extreme myths. When we imitate the sound of owl, but the bird

not answer, it means we are going to die within the next few days.

But do not worry guys. That's just a myth. Indeed, some images Mayans also illustrates that in some legacy. But the myth is not always bad. Owls also a symbol of great wisdom. ;)

Because named after Ghosts Can Play a head like Satan in 'fantasy:

Owls can indeed turn their head up to 270 degrees. It's been like a demon right gan?

But ane less well know whether this is because the head makes the Owl so named owl in nusantara .

Sharp gaze that Unmoving

Facts and Myths Terrible si owl

God is the Most Just. ;) For the jampeok owl can rotate his head back by 270 degrees, then he no longer needed eye movements capable of dynamically swirling gan man kayak. : o

Owl eyes supported by bony eye socket and this bird can not mengerlingkan their eyes. So they can focus on seeing prey. ;)

But this is also what makes horror gan. Sorts staring us continue anyway.

Flat face and Flat with All Excess.


Flat face with a ghost face identical average. : But it turns out the average owl face it gives them a blessing.

With the shape of the face like that, the owl is able to channel sound into the ear and magnified it tenfold. : As a result, he became able to hear sounds that humans can not be detected. ;)

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