The hard work of the farmers

This is the time of harvest paddy rice farmers

The farmers who take pains to take care of the rice ranging from cultivating the soil, seedlings, planting hinga harvest arrives take five months ranging from cultivating paddy land to harvest.

For those who carry out activities in the fields have to do some things ...

1: cultivate the soil until slippery and no grass that inhibits the seeds of rice grow, then start sowing rice seedlings on the soil that has been smoothed and treated until the age of 15 days seedlings, at the age of seed 5 days after sowing in the love of urease fertilizer enough.

2: Unplug the rice seedlings 15 days after the seedlings are sown and after being revoked directly planted with a distance of about 40 × 40 cm spacing.

3: After 5 days after planting in the love of 25 kg urea fertilizer mixed with 20 kg NPK fertilizer and SP36 20 kg fertilizer. And at the age of rice 10 days after planting in spray with contact poison dengen mixed with other rice stimulants.

4: Spray every 15 days.And before the age of rice 30 to 35 days after planting given fertilizer once again that is urea fertilizer 10 kg of NPK 15 kg fertilizer and Sp36 15 kg for the land area 1600 mm.Setelah do spraying 15 days once in accordance with the needs of rice until rice can be harvested.

Photo taken by @awijuny
Photo taken by @awijuny
Photo taken by @awijuny

How to grind rice with thresher, look at the video below

Benefits of rice straw for shepherds

The rice straw can be utilized by other people who have livestock such as cows and buffaloes, rice straw is taken and kept in a safe place from the rain so that the straw is kept dry. The purpose and purpose of storing this straw is for animal food.

Photo taken by @awijuny
Photo taken by @awijuny

This is the only thing I can discuss about agriculture if we make technical and explanatory mistakes please forgive all the steemins.

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