Enjoy the elegance of Lhok Mata Ie, hidden beach in Aceh

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia - Mahzar wipes his swab moistened body. His breath began to run out after he climbed for 15 minutes. The 19-year-old man then chose to take shelter under a large tree.

"It's pretty far out," Mahzar said with an irregular breath. Last week of October 2017, Mahzar along with Rappler visited a beach in Aceh Besar, Aceh.

The beach location we wanted to go to was quite hidden. Residents there call this beach Lhok Mata Ie, in the Aceh language. If translated to the Indonesian language, the meaning of the place out of the spring.

Hearing the name, most people think there is not a beach, but a pond that has a clear source of water.
We traced this beach hideaway on the internet. Some amazing landscape photos on search results pages make us curiously grow.

Unfortunately, the address to get there is absolutely untraceable. The last point if you use directions from Google Maps just get to Ujong Pancu Beach. It is 15 km from Banda Aceh City.

The next day, from a coffee shop stand in Banda Aceh, we moved. The journey using two-wheeled vehicle we traveled to Ujong Pancu beach in Peukan Banda Sub-district, Aceh Besar.

Passing the narrow asphalt road, we arrived at the last point of the road that the vehicle could pass. Because a bridge there has collapsed in the tide of sea water. Two guys there seemed to be watching us who were bewildered.

"If you go to Lhok Mata Ie from the road where is ya sir?" Mahzar asked while greeting the two Ujong Pancu residents. "Parking the motor over there Dek, then you have to climb through this path," replied a man, pointing toward the path at the foot of the mountains.

We apparently stopped at the right place. Not linger, we park the motor in the yard of the stage house. The house belonged to a man we asked earlier. Parking rates Rp.5000 for one vehicle.

After paying, our motorcycle parked with dozens of other motor that first there. "This other bike has been here for two days, they spend the night there (Lhok Mata Ie)," explained the parking attendant. "Overnight or not, pay the same parking."

We started to climb the mountain following the directed path. This time the leg muscle strength began to be at stake. Power is getting drained. Fortunately, the mountain that we climb is still a lot of big trees. So the sun does not directly hit us. And make the trip a bit cool.

The trail is approximately two kilometers long. It takes 40 minutes to pass through. The line is fairly steep. We had a few stops because of fatigue.

Another charm during the trip is that you can hear the birds chirping behind the trees. If we are lucky, we can meet monkeys who are swinging in the lush tree branches.

White sand.

"We're almost here," Mahzar said in a loud voice. "The sound of the water is very close," he continued, accelerating his footsteps. The lush trees leave no room to look behind it. Our curiosity is mounting.

Paths are decreasing. Indicates our destination arrives soon. Tiredness forgotten already. A long journey that drains a lot of energy immediately paid off. We started to run.

Once there, we paused for a moment. Steps seemed stiff. The scenery presented was more beautiful than the photos we saw on the internet: The white sandy beach stretches about 50 meters, the sea water is shimmered by the sun.

Sand on this beach is not too broad. Large rocks and corals adorn on the other side of the beach. Waves are not too high, fairly safe for visitors who want to shower or diving.

Spot fishing and camping.

The sandy beachline that is only tens of meters, makes this beach look amazing. Sand beach is flanked by big rocks and coral on the other side. The beach is also surrounded by long green mountains.

Inevitably if this beach is perfect for those who like camping. Visitors who spend the night there can set up tents under large trees not far from the beach. Anyone who uses a hammock swing is attached to a wooden branch.

In addition to camping, Lhok Mata Ie turned out to be a favorite spot for fishing enthusiasts. Anglers often throw a hook from over the big rocks. They are waiting for the indulgence while enjoying the pampering scenery.

Unfortunately there has not been any accommodation on this beach. Therefore, visitors must bring their own needs. As an area of ​​Islamic Shari'a, for women visitors who want to camp there must be permission from the local village apparatus.

Curious how the original? Let's run your energy to Lhok Mata Ie!

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