Festival of young fashion designers: Frank Sorbier will be the president of the jury 2018

By Tanissia Issad - March 14, 2018
The 24th edition of the Festival of Young Fashion Designers will take place in the Breton city of Dinan for the 3rd consecutive year from 13 to 15 April . At the head of the jury, the designer Frank Sorbier, director of his own Parisian fashion house.
At his side, specialized juries (journalists, photographers, designers and professionals) came to choose who participants will win the first prize in the categories lingerie, men, women, or special prices Gavottes, Avantex and Eco-TLC. In all, 12 candidates will compete for the various awards sponsored by the city of Dinan, trade shows in the sector or even fashion and beauty brands.

To seduce the jury, the participants were summoned to design collections of seven models, which will march in 3 different places of the city before being presented in the Théâtre des Jacobins on April 14th.

On the sidelines of the festival, which assumes an eco-responsible bias, notably through the Eco-TLC prize giving pride of place to sustainable fashion, 8 young Dinannais from 12 to 17 years old have worked on the theme of up-cycling. with the local social center L'Atelier du 5 bis. From recovered materials, they have prepared a series of pieces that will also have a place on the stage of the Jacobins Theater. And who knows, among them may be hiding the next winners of the International Festival of Young Fashion Designers of the 2028 edition

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