I Retweeted, because I was feeling Lazy.

"Tweet! Tweet more. We want to trend."
This was what the facilitator of a just-ended workshop I attended kept on telling the participants. Then from one participant
"We don't know what to Tweet" the facilitator then answered, just Retweet anything.


Disclaimer: If you don't understand Retweet, comment below. I'll be happy to give you a crash course on how to use Twitter like a Pro

Now back to my story, after hearing this, something kicked hard in me, when do you Retweet or When are you allowed to Retweet? All the time or...(still thinking).......... I thought deeply about this question and I jotted down some few instances where it is okay to Retweet on Twitter.

Instance #1 - When you're feeling Lazy

I get it, it is sometimes too difficult to construct a valuable tweet. I am guilty of this. Sometimes, you tweet so much that you are literally out of words. When laziness strikes, the RT button is there to save you! Just keep on retweeting everything you see on your TL as long as it is in relation with the event/workshop because we don't want to mix our TL with a tweet that is totally not related to what we are learning. Sames goes for businesses as well. Whenever you think of sharing/retweeting a valuable information with/to your audience, think about its long-lasting implication. Does it agree with your company value?

Instance #2 - When You totally Agree with What they're saying

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

On Twitter, a lot of RTs come about when people share the same idea with the original Tweeter. To show your endorsement means to retweet on Twitter. For your tweet to be retweeted by your followers, it has to be a tweet they can relate to. The tweets by 1stSelections.com get retweeted quite a lot because their audience can resonate with their tweets.

Instance #3 - Get Tweets in front of a lot of people

As a business, one of the basic objectives of getting on Twitter is to get a lot of people to see your product or services. On Twitter, we call this Reach. And Retweeting helps you in achieving this important milestone in Digital Marketing. You see, once somebody Retweets your Tweet, it gets showed in the timeline of their followers. Sometimes though, it might not be the case as for instance, you might construct a well-thought-out tweet, thinking your followers will retweet but you struck 0. It does happen, but to counter this,

  • Tweet interesting stuff
  • Know your audience. Ask yourself, will my audience RT this?
  • Tell them to RT. Yes, sometimes people act on command.

Retweeting on Twitter could mean either one, two or more of the reasons stated above. What's your reason for a retweet on twitter?

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