Positioned For Growth X.


In life, we all want to grow. We all want to be better than the person we were. We all seek improvements and a better life. These desires and lifestyle we seek for are not without a price. In life, you may not get what you pay for, but you will surely pay for what you get.

This post seeks to address the things we need to do, so we can bring about or birth the increase we desire. How do you position yourself for growth?.

Everything that must be great must be growing. Greatness cannot start in a vacuum; it is called growth. It must start from a minute state and keep growing.

What sets people apart from the crowd and conditioned them for the growth that is to come?

Continued from part 1 and part 2 and part 3 and part 4 and part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 and part 9

8. Accountability.


Still on this point:

How do you know who you can be accountable to?

A. It has to be someone you have access to. Someone that can see you or get through to you easily. Someone that can know or see how you are faring and challenge you from time to time. You can say T.D Jakes is your mentor, cool, let him inspire you, learn from his wealth of experience but do you have access to him?


B. It has to be someone you can trust with personal information. If that person is someone that blabs, then you are in for it. It magically neutralizes such a peraon because such person much have the capacity to be trusted with information and it has to be someone with personal integrity.

C. It has to be someone with knowledge in a particular area of life that you need that help. A lot of people pick people from different walks of life where that person cannot directly influence your life. Pick someone in an area where you need help with your gifting, and only in that way can you grow.


D. It has to be someone you respect a lot and someone who can challenge you. If you pick someone whose words doesn't have any effect on you, of what help is that on your growth? For you to be intentional about your growth, you need to pick someone you respect; whose words you can take seriously and someone whose words can challenge you.


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