Be Accountable...

Don Draper

Today, I will be starting writing journal entries. Hopefully on a daily base... So keep me accountable..

A bit about me... I'm father, partner, life hacker... And regarding the latter, I'm obsessed with productivity... That does not mean I'm any good at it. I struggle with daily temptations and interruptions, but my goal as of today is to improve myself 1%, every day (inspired by Anthony Robbins).
And this series of blog posts is to keep me accountable (please be honest and fair, but gentle).

You will get to know me during this 'voyage'. To enlighten you a little: I'm an entrepreneur in with a communication agency, and parttime (small) investor in crypto assets (yep, they're taking a hot right now but I'm guided by Tama)

  • [x] start posting (today)
  • [ ] create evening ritual (tomorrow)

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