What types of accommodation trays can you find?

Hospitality trays suitable for both small and large events, as well as private, family and business events are a wonderful solution for food for guests. You will find a very wide variety of hospitality trays for events.
Because the variety is wide, you can customize the trays for any concept that you will have, whether it's a dairy, meat, kosher and more.

So what types of hosting trays exist?
Sweet hospitality trays - Among the many trays you can find sweet hospitality trays, a petitfor tray, a tray of mousse cups, a tartlet tray with fruit, desserts trays, carmbo trays, macaroni and more.

Saline hospitality trays - another type of accommodation trays trays accommodation is salty, it can be combined with sweets, between the various trays will find Beet rolls tray, tray with tea sandwiches, savory petit fours tray (There are also sweet), quiche tray types and colors.

Dairy trays - Among the dairy trays you can find trays of various cheeses (lean and fat), a tray of milk candies, a sweet dairy tray, trays of Benedict sandwiches, omelet sandwich trays and more.

Meat trays - There is another type of hospitality trays, which is the meat trays. It is not suitable for every occasion because if there are traditional people you can not order meat and dairy trays together, among the meat trays you can find hamburger trays, tortilla trays with meat, And more.

The article was written in collaboration with the artist company https://www.artaste.co.il, the leading company in the preparation of large and delicious freshly prepared trays.

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