Accidentally Became 'Mr. Worldwide'


Hello reader! I'm new to this platform yet but I will try my best to clearly express my thoughts to you. Thank you for giving me your precious time to visit my blog. Before I bore you, I will now introduce myself.

I prefer to be called by my second name as Angelo. With my first name, it's not that I hate it, but I get pretty called a lot by it for most of my age. My hobbies are watching anime, listen to pop music, and play games. Judging from that, I am kind of an indoor person, huh? Well, you are wrong! I touch grass since I also do these hobbies of mine outside! (Please don't leave yet. I am not that lame, I swear 😭)


Kidding aside, I want to bring you to our main topic which is the title of my blog. Let's dive deeper and learn more about myself through each chapter.


I was born in the province of Nueva Ecija. My mother named me from her favorite Italian painter Michelangelo. Almost had a cool unique name, but this got cut off when the assigned nurse wrote it by mistake. She accidently separated the name by writing it to two names. After that, I lost my character as a unique individual but now I'm just cool. 😎

From those times when huge brick ass Motorola device was still being used, my family move out from Luzon. We were in the Super Ferry when a certain incident happened. There was a hostage taking at that time and my mom told me that the three of us were hiding in the ship's only comfort room. I don't remember much about it, but they said there were casualties. Now that I think about, it must be very scary to be in that kind of situation.

SFERRY 9.jpg

My apologies but I didn't mean to take you on that gray memory. To change gears, let's talk about the days when I re-visited my birthplace. When I got there two decades after, it felt like it was still my first time being there. The feeling of the freshness of air, while hearing the calming breeze surrounded by trees and nature. I felt like I really needed that. Yes, after all the hard work that I have put in the studies just to take the board exam, I can finally relax.


Five weeks after the board exam, my friends were comforting me as I was heavily crying. I was not crying because I barely managed to pass the exam, I was crying because I couldn't celebrate with my other friends. They weren't able to pass it. It was difficult to accept because we studied together, we ate together, we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun. I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. But on a serious note, I still blame myself when I remember those times. If I could go back in that specific time, I will and surely do a much more elaborate assistance.

Months after passing the board exam, I looked for a job. Few more months go by, and I still couldn't land one. My budget for the rent and daily expenses is getting out of hand and then I said to myself, "Kahit anong field of work na lang. Kahit hindi related sa course ko (which translates to choosing any field of work regardless to my college degree)". Not sooner after that, I got a call and got accepted.


I specifically chose the company that has involvement to Japan. It sure did! At work, they have free Japanese lessons handled by Japanese teachers, and with that motivation I was able to pass two Japanese certification. My inner weeb is shaking! We also have Japanese co-workers, and knowing how diligent they are at work, I was scared if I could make it through. But with the training I got from my university, I was able to push through even without prior experience. I am really glad and proud to be raised in my beloved university.


I struggled really hard in university. I blame the me in high school as I was just playing a lot of games and watching a lot of anime. A slacker you might say. With the challenges I had in the university, it made me stronger. But sometimes I think that I wish I was stronger sooner. I wonder what my life would be if that happened.

Recalling my memories, back when we arrived after the Supper Ferry incident, I realized that I have the one GOAT teacher. It's my mom! I remember that she used to teach me even after school, and I was doing well in my kindergarten and also in my elementary days. Maybe I was strong enough sooner than I thought. Maybe I just stopped being strong.


Okay, I think I'm now being too serious here. Too many tangents and Mr. Worldwide is yet to be mentioned. I am assuming that you're now realizing what it is. This started when I was working remotely at my hometown in region 12. Since most of my batchmates found new jobs with better salary, I'm thinking that maybe I should look too. That's the time when my manager heard the news and shared me an interesting offer.


Hi! Mr. Worldwide here. I accepted the offer from my still first ever employer and now I'm currently living in Japan. I'm so sorry to bait you but I just want to start my blog entries titled with "How I Accidentally". I really, really, really, really, really thought about what the first title of my blog should be while sharing about myself growing up. I never imagined that I would learn more about myself while writing this, and I hope you were able to know me. If you got here, thank you so much and I swear I am not an asshole. 😭


To summarize again, my name is Angelo. A casual awkward gamer. I roam within Summoner's Rift, sometimes I work for the Company to visit the Titan. Also, I'm a long-time anime watcher. From Angel Beats to Zom 100, I have watched it. I also like memes as it gives me a reminder that other people share the same experiences. That's why some memes relate to us. Like the one above.

Now to my blog entries, I promise that I will not, for the most part, clickbait you. Living here in Japan, there are so many stories to tell, and I can't wait to share it to all of you. Comment down below if you happen to know some of the references I have inserted in my blog. That's all! See you next time~! (plays the Seasons-in-the-Sun.mp3 for outro while waving to my friends @wittyzell and @appleeatingapple, hellooo~ 👋)

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