Daily Tarot reading 01/05/2018


Ace of Swords Reversed

Today might be a day of struggle and revival of past hurts for some of you. This card is telling you that it is okay to think about the past and remember your past hurts, so long as you don't set up camp in the past. Remember! The past happened for a reason, whether it was for you to learn a lesson or for you to teach a lesson. Lessons have been learned and it is time to come to terms with this and move forward.

For others, this card is also bringing forth a sense of a minor speed bump happening or a setback. Remember, all it is, is a setback or a speed bump. Look at it as a sign you will need to just slow down and take it day by day or hour by hour depending on what it is. You are in control of all that you manifest!

1) I am in control of all that manifests before me.
2) My choices directly impact my outcomes today.
3) I am choosing to take today one thing at a time to clear my path of all speed bumps and road blocks so that I may move more freely in my chosen path.
4) My past is in my past.
5) My past is not a burden to my present self.
6) I am worthy of unconditional love.This has been a one card reading from #TheHobbitTarot. -Lady Reijya

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