12/21/2017- Daily Tarot Reading


Seven Of Swords

Today is about protecting your boundaries. There is someone of the opposite gender in your life currently who may be pushing a bit. Although this IS human nature, the dishonesty of their feelings for you is not. It is time you sit down with this person and talk about where your boundaries are and whether or how you plan to keep those boundaries in tact.

This card is also warning against using a new relationship, romantic, business or friendly, to escape an old one or as an excuse to escape an old one. The best thing to do is to sit down with the person and talk it out before moving to a new relationship. 

Alternatively, this card can serve as a warning that someone may be setting you up for failure and to think before you leap today!

Affirmations for today:

1. My boundaries are strong and well defined. 

2. I am certain where my boundaries start and where they end!

3. I have unconditional love for myself and those whom I spend my energy with.

4. I am set up for success in my current path.

5. I am ready to receive the bountiful abundance that is to come my way, in my current path.

6. Those around me know where my boundaries lie, and respect all boundaries in place, with purpose.

This has been a reading from #TheHobbitTarot -Lady Reijya

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