12/18/2017 IX-The Hermit Reversed


IX-The Hermit Reversed

Today it is time to face the truth about ourselves. Yesterday was our manifestation day. Today is our day of truth. This card is telling us that it is time to look at ourselves, or a situation that we are working towards fixing and to face it as what it is now. 

Remember. The first step to manifesting change is to face the situation as it is before you attempt to change it. This assures your success in these matters of manifestation.
This could also be in regards to a person in your life who may be taking more than they are giving in return. It may be time to confront them and affirm to them, that it is time for something to change.

1. (Insert problem here) is no longer serving me in my current life path.
2. I am working hard to coexist with the energies that are required to manifest my end goal.
3. I am ready to confront (insert issue here) about the little purpose it/they serve(s) to my inner peace.

If you would like your own personal reading, Check out my business page! 


This has been a reading from #thehobbittarot

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