01/06/2018, Two of Swords


Two of Swords

There seems to be a suggestion here that you are denying the truth about something in your life. This seems to fall into line with something that happened in your past. I am also sensing that it is something about yourself you are not ready to come to terms with.

You are being cautioned here that, the longer you hold onto this denial, the more you build up walls around yourself and the stronger these walls become. If they become too strong this will choke or suffocate your own personal, mental, spiritual and also physical growth our of or into a situation! It is time to think truthfully to yourself and become one with your inner truth.Have you been putting on a mask so those you care about won't worry? Are you going to work with the flu and can barely function, but really need the money so you put on a fake smile? Be honest with yourself. Take care of yourself and nurture yourself. Whether this be physical, mental or spiritual. Come to terms with this thing you are in denial about and be honest about it. Someone may try to help you help yourself.Defensive attitudes build shields and walls where windows should be.

1) I am letting go of all barriers that cause me to become defensive about ( state situation).
2) I am aware that (state problem) has/is/was happened/happening and it has caused me to become defensive. I release this pain.
3) I am open and honest with those I care deeply about.
4) I am open and honest to and with myself about all things.
5) I love myself for who I am past, present and future.
6) I am worthy of unconditional love and divine healing light.This has been another one card reading from #TheHobbitTarot. -Lady Reijya


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