Manifesting Abundance Through Alignment

If you’re like most, you probably equate money with something you earn, usually in an unfavorable way. Growing up I heard lots of talk about which career fields made the most money, and not much talk about which fields would utilize my gifts or be the most fulfilling. That’s because most of the world has a skewed perception of money and work culture.

We believe the more challenging the degree of work, the more profit there is to be made. But this warped version of capitalism just isn’t true.

When we align with our true purpose and take action because it is parallel to our beliefs, we open the portal for true abundance. When we feel unfulfilled or depleted when we work for a money exchange, we are naturally cutting off our flow of abundance, because subconsciously we are relating money to a negative feeling. Therefore, our core belief is money equates to suffering, and therefore prevent chances of it flowing into our life.

Let me tell you a story, of the day I decided to align fully with my highest self. I made a vow to release all old programming, relationships, habits, jobs and thoughts that didn’t align with the woman I wanted to be. I stopped texting my ex, stopped hanging out with friends that didn’t challenge me, quit my serving job that served food I would never eat, and committed myself to taking action that would result in my growth.

Once I stopped doing things that didn’t align with my core beliefs, it made room for things that DID. I attracted 3 amazing, supportive girlfriends that challenge and inspire me, not one but two jobs at heart-centered businesses that not only value nutrition but growth culture, community, self-expression and alignment as well, a partnership with a magazine and clothing line that promotes self-love, and many other opportunities to express my true self.

I also attracted many opportunities that aligned with my OLD thought patterns, to test me to see how seriously I was taking my growth. A modeling opportunity worth $500 for 1 hour of work presented itself, but didn’t feel right. As the photographer started presenting fetish behaviors (towards tickling?) I knew that I had to walk away.

My old thought patterns would have justified the work, stating that it’s harmless after all, and a very short duration. But I knew in my heart I wanted nothing to do with work that objectified and fetishized my body.

It felt so GOOD to walk away, knowing that because I stayed true to my beliefs, another opportunity would present itself that aligned with who I am, and I was right.

You don’t have to lose anything to gain money. The more you align with what feels GOOD, the more good you allow to flow into your life. Quit cutting off your flow. Give up the behaviors, thoughts and actions that don’t feel right in your heart, and make room for your God-given abundance.

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