Hello PeakD

Hiya! You may call me Infranscia. Or Infran, or Scia (or whatev). That's what I generally go by these days around the Web.

I'm female - cis if you insist. I don't like introducing myself in terms of pronouns - I'll let others do it, but I don't like being required to do it, myself.

I'm self-diagnosed as Autistic, with so-called "ADHD" (probably more on that later), depression and anxiety. I do not take self-diagnosis lightly, and given everything I've learned, these really do seem likely for me.

My MBTI is INTP - I also like looking at the Jungian theory that the MBTI is simplified from. I'm currently struggling with what appears to be some kind of heart issue. (Haven't got it checked yet, but going by symptoms and a quick search, I'm guessing coronary heart disease... but I guess we'll see.)

I'm a nerd in multiple senses. Computers and I grew up together. I'm a video/(virtual) tabletop gamer, and a webcomic addict.

...And it might sound crazy, but I've long had this kind of background desire to "teach the world." That's how the thought came to me as a kid, so that's how I'm writing it here. 😅

That said, I wanna note something: I did NOT want to join here for the crypto, and didn't really have a wallet. (I did have one once, but lost access to it some time ago. Didn't really use it, anyhow, so...)

I just wanted a place where I felt comfortable expressing my thoughts and stuff, and where my stuff doesn't have to compete with a lot of "recommended/related" content. 😂 PeakD was the place I looked at that appealed to me the most (though Mirror[dot]xyz also looked like it might work).

I've dealt a lot with people flipping out over the way I express myself, whether it's because of something like word usage, ideologies, or anything else. I've tried putting in a LOT of work to improve my social skills and such... and I've found that, ultimately, how much success I have seems to depend more on the mindset the person(s) I'm talking to than anything else.

I've found that, no matter how small of a case it is, I don't like people telling me that I have to say X and not Y. (See what I said about introducing myself as female and not by pronouns.) I've tried filtering my self-expression to be as polite and whatnot as possible... and still had things blow up in my face, even being told that my (written) tone was still inappropriate (after checking over it multiple times for several hours...).

I'm tired of feeling like I need to walk on eggshells around society, and I don't want others to have to do the same, either.

That said, we can only control our own responces.

As such, while it might be difficult due to anxiety, I've decided to let others have their own opinions, and not freak out over them. I prefer that people not attack other ideas, or at LEAST not attack people with those ideas... but ultimately, I cannot control them.

All I can do is try to show the type of courtesy that I would like to be shown... and try to encourage others to do the same.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Attributed to Ghandi, though apparently that's the simplified version

As such, a lot of my ideas here will be philosophical, psychological, and yes, political. (I'm finding I'm putting more political stuff in my ideas on stuff to touch on than I intended. 😅 Ah well...) I am also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and it does feel like God directs a lot of my thoughts these days. So while I also won't make everything religious, it will be included among the topics, and likely woven in seemingly at random. 😉

That said, I want to include a lot of silly/casual things, as well. And since I play a lot of games and stuff and observe a lot of the narratives... I'll probably do a lot of combination-posts. 🤣

This said, I do think you can tell a lot about a society by popular media. 😉

I think that'll do for now. I hope to share an interesting journey with you guys. 😄

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