Your Votes at Work: Preamble


This is the house that Jack built...

Beginning with proper credit where credit is due: you are the reason I can have nice things. The caveat to that is that I am the reason my funding sometimes goes on hiatus because I am also a massive dummins with a negligible memory capacity and a fleeting relationship with temporal mechanics. For example - I can, have, and will forget to do a thing I do regularly simply because I do it regularly. I can distinctly remember doing the thing... but I forget that it was doing the exact same thing some time previous [last day, last week, last month] so I neglect doing it on the day it's needed.

It's a thing I live with. Huzzah for whatever it is, I guess.

Anyway. I finally got my ducks in a row to actually have nice things as a side bonus to writing stories for you and that's what this particular series of posts is for.

Starting with - what I have to do to get workable tokens out of the system. This is something for which there is doubtlessly a non-English word for. If it's not in German, then it's probably in Russian. They both seem the sort to have a singular word for a complicated concept.

The concept being, "The feeling that life is more complicated than it needs to be."

In order to get funds for nice things, some of them actual art projects, I need to:

  1. Have HIVE
  2. Send HIVE to my Binance account
  3. Buy Bitcoin
  4. Send Bitcoin to my wallet
  5. Transfer Bitcoin to my Coinjar
  6. Sell the Bitcoin for coin of the realm
  7. Transfer the resultant moolah to my bank account at a rate that doesn't attract overt interest from the Tax Office
  8. [...that lay in the house that Jack built lol]

I mean, I already declared everything I have, but having that as actual cash income starts some salivary glands over there. Go figure.

I'm thinking of calling it "Jorgenhaus" but I don't know whether I should. Those with their finger on the pulse, please keep me informed.

Because every single one of these steps has a time delay, I have to be a very patient nugget indeed. And since there's a time delay, I also have to allow for the bottom to fall out of the market at any given time. Yay...

Since the bottom is also likely to fall out of my Real Life Holdings [technoscrattle, car parts, white goods etc] those funds can be diverted at any time for the Disaster of the Week. Fun times.

Some shiny things are quicker than others, like direct transfer to fellow artistic types here on Peakd.

The projects I have my mind on at the moment are:

  • The timelapse disaster unfolding in our bathroom [Immediate concern]
  • Doing something about a dying computer [Somewhat concerning, I do have some backups]
  • Getting my zippy little car back on the road [It can wait]
  • Meds so I can continue breathing [It can wait a little?]
  • Getting the ball rolling again with an animatic fanvid that's been on hiatus five-ever. By night known as the Sleep Evil Sleep Project, or SESP for short [It can wait a lot]
  • MAYBE doing a different animatic project once I have that noise dealt with. Codename: Jumpstarted [VERY wait a lot]
  • Actually making the Solar Powered Lobstermobile [In my favourite dream]

My darling children are of the age where having a car is looming on the horizon and I do NOT want to begin thinking about that, thank you. I definitely do not have the wherewithal to buy cars. Not even Hunka Junka Baby's First Rattler type cars.

Yeeps. That's a whole bunch of scary thoughts.

Not now. Don't need it now. Focus on other things. Focus on the things I can manage.

The key point being that I'm fairly used to riding the catastrophe curve at this point and I'd like to take a breather from all that surfing. Since posts and personal stuff get votes, I thought I'd at least share what putting stuff up on Peakd is doing to change my life for the better.

Posts on this theme will be as erratic as my purchase history with it, and there's going to be a LOT of time between installments. Patience is a necessity.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / ahmetemre]

My sincere thanks to everyone who decides to fund my upcoming adventures.

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