Nutritional difference between red and green apples

Apples are the most beloved fruits in the whole world.And it is selling all around the world.Everyone likes to eat a special color of apple,whether it is red, green or any other color.Even though they are all healthy.
Apples are of different colors some are yellow, pink and green.Red apples gets their color from anthocyanins.Apples absorbs all the color of rainbow except of red.
When it comes to red versus green,it is tough call, as both as all color of appled contain their own nutritional benefits.They have a some small differences but most are similar they are different when it comes to nutritions.
Green apples are also called as antioxidants.Green apples are one of the main source of flavonoids and are rich in Vitamin C.These flavonoids and vitamin C act as antioxidants and eradicate free radicals which cause damage to your cells.
Green apples are extremly tark taste.When it completly ripe, the green skin uselly has a tough to rosy red.
A medium-sized apple with it's skin has about 95 calories,which means if u eat three of these fruits whould increase your caloric intake nearly 300 calories.
The green apples are benficial and high in fibers so getting more fibers in your diet may help you lose weight.
Green apples contain slightly fewer carbs,evidient by their tarter taste.So green apples have less amount of sugar.The red apples are sweeter then green and also because red apples stay longer on trees.That's why i think they are sweeter then green apples.
But the truth is green apples are packed with more nutrients and have more benefits,then their red counter parts.Grenny smith apples have a higher nutrient density then any red apples!All apples green red yellow need to be purchased organic.

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