Most Common Shortcut Words Used in Forum, Blog & Multi-players Gaming!!

There are many people around the world love to visit Forum/Blog daily. For this purpose, some shortcut words born and commonly used. Do you know the meanings of those words? Let’s take a look>>>>

●          Troll          :  A hater or a joker.

●          Trollolol      : Joking and LOL (loud after loud).

●          Kthxbai        : Okay, thank you, bye.

●          AFK            : Away from keyboard.

●          Imba           : Imbalanced.

●          Leet           : To be pro or very good at something.

●          GG             : Good game.

●          Taunt          : To provoke or anger someone.

●          BM             : Bad manner.

●          RL             : Real life.

●          Epic           : Something or an action that is awesome or cool.

●          BURN!          : Something or an action that is awesome or cool.

●          Hardcore       : Insanely difficult or extreme and is difficult to achieve.

●          Noob           : Someone who is new to something.

●          Nerfed         : Something described as weakened.

●          Buffed         : Something described as strengthened.

●          Pwned          : To outperform something or someone.

●          WP             : Well played.   

●          Lag            : Something that is super slow.

●          TL; DR         : Too long, didn’t read.

●          IKR            : I know right?

●          IDK            : I don’t know.

●          GLHF           : Good luck, have fun.

●          RQ             : Rage quit.

●          You Mad?       : To further troll/anger people.

●          Jelly          : Jealous.

●          Uber           : super or very.

●          Srs Bsns       : Serious business.

●          LOL            : Laughing out loud.

●          ROFL           : Rolling on floor laughing.

●          LMAO           : Laughing my ass off.

●          TTYL           : Talk to you later.

●          BRB            : Be right back.

●          BBL            : Be back later.

●          IIRC           : If i remember correctly.

●          IINM           : If I’m bot nistaken.

●          IMHO           : In ny humble opinion.

●          GTG            : Got to go.

●          IDC            : I don’t care.

●          AFAIK          : As far as I know.

●          BTW            : By the way.

●          TBH            : To be honest.

Top 10 Text Abbreviations >>>

 1.         ROFL          : Rolling on floor laughing.

 2.         STFU          : Shut the *freak* up.

3.         LMK            : Let me know.

4.         ILY            : I love you.

 5.         YOLO          : You only live once.

6.         SMH            : Shaking my head.

7.         LMFAO          : Laughing my freaking ass off.

8.         NVM            : Never mind.

9.         IKR            : I know right.

  10.       OFC           : Of course.

Want to know more? See Source.

Thanks for reading .💚💚 png-good-luck-we-want-to-wish-all-of-our-archers-that-will-be-participating-in-the-az-state-outdoor-joad-outdoor-championships-this-weekend-good-luck-have-fun-381.png

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