Happens in Libya after the demise of colonel Gaddafi


It been seven years since the US gathered a coalition of NATO willing to overthrow the government of Libya to bring freedom and democracy to people there.
so let's check in on how things are going in the North African nation."the horrors of modern day slave trade some immigrants and refugees in libya are been traded and sold as slaves". That does not look good, so how did slavery end up becoming a thing in libya a country that prior to 2011 the highest literacy rate and standard of living in North Africa?. Adult literacy rate in North Africa (UNICEF, 2011), Moroco had 56%, Algeria had 73%, Tunisa 72% and Libya 89%

Well, back in 2011, the US,UK and France saw in the Arab spring protests an opportunity to get rid of a regime they didn't like under the guise of "Humanitarian intervention". Muammar Gaddafi was a brutal and authoritarian leader,they said. But that's not why the westerner didn't like him, Authoritarianism and Dictatorship has never bothered the US as long as the dictator plays by America's rules. And Muammar Gaddafi didn't play ball with, he was a thorn in the side of western imperialism and capitalism directing Libyas vast oil revenue into education,electricity,infrastructure that's why Libya has the highest literacy rates and standard of living in Africa.

Gaddafi also supported movement that the US didn't like, so in 2011 Obama got his NATOpartners together and imposed a no-fly zone on Libya to save the people from their authoritarism government, which we were told was violently cracking down on protestors ,But the west had a weird way of librating Libyans. They flooded Libya with weapons for mass distruction that ended up in the hands of extremists some of whom were affiliated with Al-Qaeda. weird how that keeps happening? And the launched of seven months NATO bombing operation that destroyed most of the country infrasture and propelled the rebles to victory.NATO essentially collapsed the state, got rid of it's leader and handed the country over to competing extremist faction. Libya has since descended into lawless chaos that provided ISIS with a base in North Africa and resurrected slavery after colonel Gaddafi was sodomized with a bayonet by western-backed rebels.
After Gaddafi was killed, some laughted, others celebrated "this is a momentous day in the history of libya" said by the then president of US. some pundits promised tha things in libya would get better "There is no doubt in my mind watso ever that men and women in libya will live much better lives without Gaddafi". But that did not age well,those who supported the intervention said it had to happen to prevent a massacre by Gaddafi.


But a year long inqure by the UK parliament fund that the NATO intervention was based on an array of lies , that the threats to civilians was extremely overstated and that the rebels included significant islamist elements and also super racist. They ethnically cleansed tens of thousand of black people from the majority black libyan town of Taweragha with NATO Air cover. So again ,no surprise that the rebels who took libya ended up buying and selling African migrants as slaves. Thanks to NATO for giving libya the freedom to sell slaves. But it can't all be bad, right?. How are women in libya doing these days?. "There are also claims that women have been bought in libya and force to sex slaves",and doesn't stop there women under the age of 60 years in an area of eastern libya under the control of a CIA linked to warlord are banned from traveling on their own without a male guardian. The only other places in the world where laws like that existsare Saudi Arabia and parts of Syria under the control of Salafi Jihadist groups.

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