The Fox and the Hound. Animated movie that demonstrates the great Value of Friendship

Hi my friends,

Today has been a hot day here in my city, but despite the weather, it doesn't stop me from continuing to write to you, I owe it to you. Thanks to you every day I can assure and cover my daughter's needs. Apart from enjoying with her animated film. This time we saw the fox and the hound, this little girl when I saw her for the first time in my childhood I loved it, if it was the same with my daughter.


This an animated film that starts with two fox, the mother and her child, both begin to flee because they are chased by a hunter, the mother fox finds the opportunity to hide her son leaves him hidden, she keeps running to confuse the hunter and his dog, in the distance a shot is heard (implying that they killed the poor fox), from there the fox is orphaned and helpless.


In this an owl lady sees that the poor little fox is alone with a bird to solve the case of this fox, in that they are near a farm that lives an old woman alone, in those is the ingenuity so that the lady can see the Fox. When she saw him, the old woman took him in her arm as if she were a baby, from there she began to take care of him, she named him Tod. But next to the old woman's house lives an old hunter, who has two hunting dogs.


This fox is very curious and begins to investigate what is around your home, you want to play. She cannot play with her mistress because she is in the household, her Dinky and tongue twister friends are also busy hunting a worm. This young fox does not know what to do and continues walking until he finds a little hound, in that they both play the little fox and the hound, from there they have become good friends, but both without knowing that they cannot be friends, They keep growing and playing. Until they reach adulthood they are no longer those friends they were as a child.


This an animated film that was released in 1981, in 1988 is re-released in the cinema, is from Walt Disney Productions, from a novel that bears the same name that was written by Mannix. The Voices of the main actors were starring Mickey Rooney, Kurt Russell, Pearl Bailey, Jack Albertson.


This is a beautiful movie that shows us with the value of Friendship can be above all. Despite being so different and their natural instincts, these two children grew up with a beautiful friendship, taking care of each other. Until on account of their hound owners they had to separate and have separate lives but still retain that great friendship.

This friendship is seen when both adults were already being hunted by the hunter, by other dogs and the hound, they are fleeing but the hunter meets a bear, to which his dogs defend but the three are hurt, seeing this Tod he returns and begins to defend his friend so that he is not eaten by the bear. Between so many fights the fox and the bear falls to a river. To what the fox leaves the river but in that he is waiting for it, the hunter points it with his weapon, to which the hound sees this, which makes him stand between his owner and the fox, despite the threats of his owner. The hound was not removed from protecting the fox, until the hunter forgave his life.

In this part of the story resurfaces that beautiful friendship in which both grew up. That although from there they could not be together, he always remembers his childhood of how they both played when they were young. Here you can see how both were faithful to their great friendship, they helped save their lives. It is very important to have a friendship, which is not worth the difference in culture, religion or society, here on this platform I have met from different countries that have given me their friendship and I have mine.

Critic: AAA

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