A moonlit night

A moonlit night is one of the beautiful phenomena of nature. It occurs when the moon rises in the sky. It is very romantic to both male and female. The moon may be crescent or full, but it is beautiful in both forms. We count six seasons in a year. In each season we see the moon for two fortnights with a break in between. But the moon in Autumn appears in its best. In Autumn the sky remain quite clear. So, the silvery light over floods every thing. The autumnal moon beams its silvery light. The moon is gloss like a piece of glass. The full moon looks like a silvery plate. It looks beautiful in the blue autumnal sky. The sky in Autumn is clear. Here and there a few patches of white clouds float swiftly. The moon plays hide-and-seek with these bulging pieces of clouds. It is very pleasant to look at the sky at the time and to hear the night-birds play their sweet notes in the moonlit sky. The earth seems to be washed with moon-light. The moon reflects on the ponds and tanks. The blue water in them looks glossy. The lilies bloom in them. Little children sit round their grandmamma to hear the fairy tales or the tales about the wizards. Sometimes they play hide and seek together and have fun themselves. A moon light nigh is very romantic to the newly married couple and who where in love. The poet of all language praised highly. A moonlit night is nature's sweetest offer to mankind. It has a lasting effect the human minds. Even the grand old ladies remember their green youth when they sit alone in the moonlit night.

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