The person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.

The last 3 chapters of the book of Judges is a lesson for our benefit.

Judges chapter 18 starts: “In those days there was no king in Israel.”
And ends with verse 31: “And they set up the carved image that Miʹcah had made, and it remained there all the days that the house of the true God was in Shiʹloh.”
Thus ending the account.

Then starting in chapter 19 you notice that it is a new and different story or account: “In those days, when there was no king in Israel, … ”
The end of 19 doesn’t sound like a conclusion.
Chapter 20 starts: “Consequently, … “
The end of 20 doesn’t sound like a conclusion.
Chapter 21 starts: “Now the men of Israel … “

The story that starts in chapter 19 goes on to the end of the book of Judges.

Chapters 19 through 21 shows what happens because of a seemingly small sin in 19:1,2. But that unloyal behavior resulted in so much misery like:

  • Harassment - 19:22
  • Rape - 19:25
  • Gruesome stuffs - 19:29
  • 400,000 soldiers called into action - 20:21
  • 22,000 men die - 20:20
  • The next day, 18,000 more die - 20:25
  • Again, another 25,100 die - 20:35
  • Another 18,000 die - 20:44
  • Another 25,000 die - 20:46
  • Resolution passed - 21:1
  • Sorrow - 21:3,6,7
  • Division among the Family - 21:15

Truly, we should think of each of our actions, no matter how small, as something that will have lasting effects for the rest of time. Remember, Adam & Eve just ate some fruit that didn’t belong to them.

“The person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much, and the person unrighteous in what is least is unrighteous also in much.” - Luke 16:10

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