The crime of separation of our thinkers from the present

The Islamic sects: Ashayara, Mataridia, Maraje, Mu'tazilah, Jahmiyya, Sufism, and others. Our thinkers are still beating the tents around them to give birth to them.

I see that the worst of us - contemporary Muslims - and I think the biggest cause of the cultural and intellectual collapse we are living in is that we are still determined to discuss with enthusiasm that does not deviate from what human thought transcended with centuries of ideas that have nothing to do with our contemporary reality. definitely .
We are contemporary Muslims - that these historical ideas are no longer valuable in the exhumation of their graves and try to adorn the body and sent to life again to wrestle with them and reduce our present in the celebration and the establishment of maneuvers and rivalries around them, but the value of these historical ideas lie mainly in an attempt to understand The intellectual struggle on which the Muslim civilization was based in the past and the drawing up of a standard of right and wrong through which we can use it in the face of our contemporary intellectual life.
I have no doubt that the historians did not record history until we board the ship of the past to sail in the future of the future, but recorded history and our ideas to fade the cause of the damage of the ship of the past and to benefit from building the ship of the present, which must be built from past experiences and visions of the future together

The mentality of the past and the withdrawal of the present to remain in it is something that was not characterized by a nation in its behavior as characterized by the Arab nation. Some people place the praise of glories as a matter of high priority. The Arabs sang in the ignorance with their glories and their father's championships, and this was one of the ways they tried to confront the prophet's message Peace be upon him ,
(22), as well as what we sent before you in the village of Nazir, but he said: "We have found our fathers." We have found our fathers, (23) O Ulu, I have come to you with guidance from what you have found, your fathers have said, "By what you have sent to him (unbelievers). Was the end of the lying (25)} verse 22 24 of Sura.

This was the argument that these people were forbidden to be guided by the light of truth: We can not abandon the past and transcend this present, which must be seen with the present eye and assess his arguments not to run away from the arguments of the present and discuss and to meet the requirements and requirements to move to discuss the past And his circumstances until his arguments.

This was the answer of the Holy Quran to them that the past does not have the advantage of the present advantage of guidance or the right, not the process of nations on the approach or the specific habits or philosophies of certain evidence that the right, but the right is dictated by reason and evidence.

In any case, the right requires us to recognize that the contemporary Arab mind is the most irrational, unshakable mind that relents to the past with all force without any real revisions or additions. This is because the past is the sole criterion of the right and there is no right without reference to that past in all its details And that human life will not be upright unless the conditions of the past are re-awakened to live in it with all the intellectual differences, even if it is outdated.

In fact, this view is a grave error that does not stand up to criticism and does not carry any proof. The present is like a plant that does not grow and develop except in its own environment. If it is placed in an unsuitable environment, it is paralyzed and died. This is what happened to our poor present. In the environment of the past, our present and past lives have not grown.

Our separation from our present and our insistence on withdrawing our present and restricting it to the past to be personalized before our eyes with all its conflicts is a kind of insistence on slow death and underdevelopment by bringing ideas that originated in an environment other than its present environment and our insistence on fighting around it inevitably dead by whatever nature we try to revive. Evidence of our inability and failure to be a receptacle to accommodate the charity that God has decided to this nation, saying Almighty (you were the best nation brought to the people to enjoin good and forbid evil and believe in God, even if the people of the book It would have been better for them than the believers and the most abominable. "Surah Al-Imran, verse 110
It is one of the foundations of that charity to be that nation at all stages of its life at the present note of civilization and progress and progress and the past; if the reality is witness otherwise, this is evidence that we were not a pot to receive this charity in any case.

Therefore, those who insist on recalling these ideas and spreading them in the society again, they are not feeling Sossa snoring in the nerve of that nation and a cause of backwardness, but they emphasize without feeling the lack of validity of this religion for all time and place and the depletion of the Muslim mind and desertification and inability In adapting to text or living reality.

The right to be written in this context is that not all ideas that were born in the past are unfit for the present. To say that is to launch is a risk that is uncalculated. Rather, fairness requires that there are ideas necessarily found in all civilizations, The human humanity is not different in any place or time, such as the ideas that emphasized freedom, justice, humanity and above all the pure unification that characterized Islam and still from the rest of the religions. Although some of these ideas are common humanity among all civilizations, Islam is a perfect, The advantage of Islam is that when it is placed Additional meanings of these ideas and precisely defined the concept has become valid for all time and place

We can distinguish between two kinds of ideas in this context

The first type: the total ideas are those human ideas such as the idea of ​​justice and equality and right, and mental ideas such as the sanctity of sins such as alcohol and adultery and others, which governs the mind of his sanctity, and spiritual ideas which are related to the unification and faith in previous books and prophecy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him And these ideas can not be abandoned in a time or place of places, which distinguish this religion from other religions

Type II: Partial ideas are those ideas that were the birth of the social environment and the temporal and spatial stage as custom types of clothing or the way of food and drink and what is related to the human body and all its money is related to the environment and the meeting of man, which accepts change and does not collide change in the constants of this religion.

These recent ideas can not be demanded from the top of the mountains to apply them or to return to the stalemate and the fight around them, the call for such is a form of intellectual tampering and a crime against the Muslim himself.

The adherence to the withdrawal of these partial ideas and attempt to obliterate the reality is the biggest crime against Islam and being a living religion valid for all time and place.

As for the total ideas of this religion, we are always required of it because it is commensurate with the nature of every time and place.

May Allah reward you and work in your presence. Perhaps history will record to you what is beneficial to your descendants in their world, and will intercede to you in the presence of Allaah.

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