According to Dr. Sara Jordan, co- founder of Boston’s Lahey clinic,
“Every day give your brain a shampoo”
Why should you give shampoo only to your hair yet your brain needs it the most?
Most modern ladies and probably some men get rid of all the dust and dirt in their hair by going for a shampoo. Why not also get rid of all the dirt and dust and grime of negative thinking and imagination?
Why should I edify someone to not only give his hair shampoo but likewise the brain? This is because, “Your mind has an incredible power over your success or failure”. The life you are living now is simply what you have been doing in your mind.
Such a great number of humanity desire to build their own legacies, businesses and to live victoriously or simply be great in life. This is the life most of desire, even me how I so much desire for my name to be on Forbes magazine. But you may ask how is all these achieved. The answer is very simple you need to be DISCIPLINED in your MIND. Greatness starts in the mind. You become what you are constantly thinking.
With the good and sound information I have acquired over time about certain things, I have found myself depressed, very empty and angry like a mess, not truly living my fun- filled life and I was very unhappy. I felt like I don’t know how to act like a “sane” human being. Everything seemed useless. With the help of expert counselling, I decided to start the origins and reasons of these things happening, I then realized I had let the negative information take grip and control over my mind. I was simply now living a reality of where I had been in my mind. We simply live in age of distraction! It’s amazing how much of information is coming at us most of the time through technology, the media and the busyness of the world around us. Nothing was really changing till I decided to change, to constantly renew my mind or give it a shampoo. I decided to constantly have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude.
Wikipedia description of the mind
“The mind is a set of cognitive faculties including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, language and memory. It is usually defined as the faculty of an entity’s thoughts and consciousness. It holds the power of imagination, recognition and appreciation, and is responsible for processing feelings and emotions, resulting in attitudes and actions”.
From the above description, you can see what you need to do. You need to shampoo your mind. What are the things you may wash out of your mind by a daily mental/spiritual shampoo? Resentment, of course, and fears and hatred; also, the negative and selfish thoughts that impede the flow of power through your personality are flooded out. Such daily mental shampoo or thought cleansing re-establishes the perspective that leads to successful actions. Here are a few steps that have incredibly helped me, though am still learning others which shall share later on.
Make up your Mind
Set your mind and keep them set on what you truly desire (success, peace happiness, joy…). Take time to pre-condition your mind on things that you truly want to see in your life. There could be no failure for you, if you could reform your thinking. You can be a great creative individual, if you think you can. I literally dared myself to be strong, big and creative and every single day, that was what I was working on. Once you precondition your mind to success / victory, it will form a sort of protective coating against outside influences and distractions.
You can choose what to think on
You don’t have to think just about anything that comes into your mind. You can choose your thoughts and do your own thinking- on purpose. So make the decision to spend time each day training your mind to purposely think on what you desire. These then brings me to my third point.
Think Big about Yourself
As stated “You have to think Anyway, SO WHY NOT THINK BIG?”
To claim your legacy, start thinking good and well about yourself and delete the thoughts that tear down your confidence. Every day, train yourself to tune out negativity and tune into positive thoughts.
“Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think! Therefore, think BIG.
Why? Have a tendency to think only little thoughts about everything; about ourselves, our family, our children, our business. So we get little results.
I’ve discovered that when we take time to renew, build and nurture our minds with great words, we learn how to think like great thinkers, say great things and act and do great things. Then we can have what we want.

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