Redefine Your Life!

You alone can transform your own life to greatness, to the life you truly desire with the help of God. Life might have given you unfair cards to play (the difficulties, pain, it might have been ruined by parents, drugs, alcohol etc.). But with help, sound wisdom, you can play your cards to the best of your abilities with the help of God and simply create an amazing, adventurous and a fun-filled life.
I have travelled paths that go nowhere, wandering in a maze of detours and dead ends. Going through all these, so much worked for my good, it helped me grow and widen my mind to receive peaceful impressions. It gave me strength to face and step into my own destiny and success.
You as a person were created to have the time of their life, a long life lived full and well. A life that truly full and great but to most it’s not the experience, life has taken a different story. Here are few steps that I applied in my life to change my story, hope it might be of help to you.
 Start with God
Starting with God will help you live well and right. He will you understand what life means and where it’s going. He will give you a grasp with reality and fill you with fresh wisdom so that you might live wisely in life and be prosperous.

 Eliminate Ignorance
Don’t ever allow yourself to wallow in ignorance. Never turn a deaf ear to wisdom. The major reason why people are being destroyed is lack of knowledge (ignorance). Wisdom guides your life and position for better things in life. It will help you enjoy the world’s finest. Clearly define what you need and work towards it.

 Change your thought Pattern
Your mind is one of the greatest tools you have been availed with. Your mind has an incredible power over your success or failure. You can use it to think positively and delete all the thoughts that tear down your confidence. Use it to think well of yourself, friends and family.
I like what Marcus Aurelius said, “No man is happy who does not think himself so”.
This is what great minds do, they think them so (great) and eventually that what they become with time.
Always guard clear thinking, don’t for a minute lose sight of it. It will keep your soul alive and well.

 Your company Matters
I encourage you, to join the company of good men and women, keep your feet on the tried and true paths, which is always working hard. Walk straight and always walk with integrity.

Lastly, I encourage you to always work hard at working smart.

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