It's Not Unusual - Tom Jones 🎺 (Cover) by @yisusth [ENG/SPA]

A while ago, I had the opportunity to watch the comic and science fiction film: Mars Attacks! (1996). One of the special performances was that of Tom Jones. Today I share with you my trumpet performance of "It's Not Unusual", an iconic song performed by Tom Jones and composed by the duo Les Reed and Gordon Mills. The lyrics have incredible emotional depth and talk about perseverance in love. This insists that it is not strange to want to be with the person you love and fight to win them over. This piece of music is in the key of C major and has a danceable and constant rhythm. The tempo is kept moderately fast, creating a feeling of dynamism and optimism. The fusion of elements of pop, rock and soul is captivating and wonderful. In addition, I have had the opportunity to listen to it in other series and movies such as The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and The Simpsons.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Hace un tiempo tuve la oportunidad de observar la película cómica y de ciencia ficción: ¡Marcianos al ataque! Una de las actuaciones especiales fue la de Tom Jones. Hoy les comparto mi interpretación con la trompeta de «It's Not Unusual», una canción emblemática interpretada por Tom Jones y compuesta por el dúo Les Reed y Gordon Mills. La letra tiene una profundidad emocional increíble y habla sobre la perseverancia en el amor. En esta se insiste en que no es extraño querer estar con la persona amada y luchar por conquistarla. Esta pieza musical se encuentra en la tonalidad de C mayor y posee un ritmo bailable y constante. El tempo se mantiene moderadamente rápido, creando una sensación de dinamismo y optimismo. La fusión de elementos del pop, rock y soul es cautivadora y maravillosa. Además, he tenido la oportunidad de escucharla en otras series y películas como El príncipe del rap en Bel-Air y Los Simpson.

It often happens that sometimes we are victims of routine. It is as if we fell into a labyrinth with no exit, where things no longer make sense and it makes us insensitive. Getting out of the routine and daring to do the unusual is an enriching and transformative experience. Humor can be a wonderful outlet, helping you explore new interests, discover hidden skills, meet new people, and generally add excitement and meaning to your life. A few years ago, while traveling as a missionary, I had a rigid and strict schedule to follow. Furthermore, he had great responsibilities and commitments. In that desire to fulfill it was necessary to drain the stress resulting from routine. A good mood, singing, exercising and going to a park was the catalyst in those times. I believe that it is important to do unusual things and get out of the patterns of everyday life. It is an escape valve for happiness and peace.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Suele suceder que a veces somos víctimas de la rutina. Es como si cayéramos en un laberinto sin salida, donde ya las cosas no tienen sentido y nos convierte en alguien insensible. Salir de la rutina y atreverse a hacer lo inusual es una experiencia enriquecedora y transformadora. El humor puede ser una válvula de escape maravillosa, que te ayuda a explorar nuevos intereses, descubrir habilidades ocultas, conocer gente nueva y, en general, agregarle emoción y significado a tu vida. Hace unos años, mientras viajaba como misionero, tenía un horario rígido y estricto que seguir. Además, tenía grandes responsabilidades y compromisos. En ese afán de cumplir era necesario drenar el estrés producto de la rutina. Un buen humor, cantar, hacer ejercicios e ir a un parque era el catalizador en esos tiempos. Considero que es importante hacer cosas inusuales y salirse de los patrones de la cotidianidad. Es una válvula de escape para la felicidad y la paz.


It's Not Unusual

It's not unusual to be loved by anyone
It's not unusual to have fun with anyone
But when I see you hanging about with anyone
It's not unusual to see me cry
Oh, I wanna die

It's not unusual to go out at any time
But when I see you out and about it's such a crime
If you should ever want to be loved by anyone
It's not unusual

It happens every day, no matter what you say
You find it happens all the time
Love will never do, what you want it to
Why can't this crazy love be mine?

It's not unusual, to be mad with anyone
It's not unusual, to be sad with anyone
But if I ever find that you've changed at anytime
It's not unusual to find out I'm in love with you

Fuentes / Sources

ImagesObtained in Unsplash
Lyrics“It's Not Unusual” by Tom Jones on Genius
Thumbnail & BannerMade with Adobe Creative Cloud Express
GifsCreated with EZGif
Specific informationEd Sullivan
Original TrackIt's Not Unusual by Tom Jones (11).gif

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